Instance Picker | Select instances with a specific set of properties

I’ve had multiple times when I had a painstakingly large amount of instances I wanted to change simultaneously. For example just recently I had wanted to change the effects on the candles I had made, but there were around 10 or 20 of them in total. I figured I could save some time in the future by making this plugin instead.

So, what does this plugin achieve?

First of all, it allows you to search for, and select, a group of same or similar instances. Have you ever wanted to select all the attachments under a characters rig (for whatever reason)? With this plugin you can do just that and more.

What sets this apart the most from other searching plugins is the ability to compare the Parent property. As of writing this post, the property cannot search for specific instances, but the plugin has tabs, which allow you to create another search to match an instance, i.e. another tab to check that a part is parented under a model.

Selecting parts by name and color

Selecting attachments under an ambiguous instance under a Model named Dummy

This is by far one of the most complex plugins I have made (I’ve only made 3 but my point still stands), so I hope it will be able to help someone else.

If you have any problems or reports, leave a comment under the plugin or send me a message on my profile.