InstanceService - Save Objects using DataStore2

Instance Service

Programmed by Z_lqify


InstanceService is a module to save objects using DataStore2. It’s currently impossible to save objects using DataStore2. Because, DataStore2 can only handle valid UTF-8 characters. You can only save objects using serialization and deserialization. You can learn how to serialize an object’s properties by this post created by @starmaq

Why Instance Service?

InstanceService does save lots of time that you need to spend to save an object data.
InstanceService does the all serialization for you and saves it for you. Instance Service has custom built-in functions which saves time.

InstanceService currently does have only few functions and signals to use and it also have bugs. I need your support on this to improve it and fix the bugs.

How do we use?

Pretty simple, here’s a part saving and loading system:

local InstanceService = require(script.Parent.InstanceService)
local id = 	"Parts"

	InstanceService:SaveObjectAsync(Player, id ,, {"Color","Size","Position", "Material", "Transparency","Reflectance"})


	InstanceService:OverwriteObjectAsync(Player, id,


Donate meh :3

if you want to support me you can donate me,


If you have any questions or if you find any bugs, please contact me.


thank you!
I no longer have to constantly save objects with values ​​other than objectvalue

No problem. If you encounter bugs, please report them to me.

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thanks for telling me but i already got your contacts :sweat_smile:

Oh really? Is it discord or something?

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i am Theaho#7796 you should know :grin:

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I cannot get this to work, maybe its broken?
just put the script in the wrong place lol

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Can it save children of parts too?

No it doesn’t, you should loop trough and save them

The example game has a bad script in it, it sends you to a “logo maker” game

I own that game, instanceservice is no longer supported and used the place for something that’s why.

you should edit your post then