Instant test-play from Studio to Mobile App

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to intuitively test mobile-friendly GUIs.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because the GUI creation workflow would be improved.

It would be nice to test-play an experience directly on my phone, straight from Studio. Emulators are great, but it’s hard to tell how good a UI will feel on mobile without directly seeing and holding it on your phone.


I completely agree. I always waited for the day Roblox released the Roblox Developer app to Android, but they ended up pulling the app and removing the feature from Studio entirely in favour of the mobile emulator.

While the emulator is ok for testing mobile compatibility, it doesn’t have access to all the same APIs that are available on a physical phone (gyroscope, for example), and it just doesn’t feel the same (compare using the precision of a mouse with using a finger).


For real. I wish I could run the game I’m developing from Create in More of the mobile Roblox app.