Insufferable errors while uploading files

While trying to upload anything to the forum, theres a pretty good chance you will be interrupted by this rage-inducing error.

The longer it takes for something to upload, the exponentially higher it becomes that you will encounter an error. Uploading a 9mb file may take 20+ times to successfully complete. Even a simple under 1mb image may error once or twice.

Yes, the file is under 10mb. Yes, this occurs across every file. No, it does not error at a specific point, rather could happen at any time between 0% and 100%. No, I am not uploading unsupported files, just simple PNGs and MP4s. No, the files have not been converted. I used both the latest version of Firefox and Chromium (Microsoft Edge), I run the latest version of Windows 10 22H2. I am not using a VPN or any similar tool.


Vouch file errors in general need to be fixed, like the seemingly random chance images will break when cooked


This is still an issue, btw. Just encountered 52, yes I counted, 52 errors while trying to upload a 8 seconds long video. I understand once or twice, but at this point Iā€™d have better odds of winning the lottery than getting ANYTHING, even an image, to upload on the first try.

These all apply, still.


Hey there, what kinds of errors are you seeing? Can you open the browser tab and indicate the HTTP error code/response of the upload call?

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