Hello developers,
After hours of failed attempts, I decided to ask for help in this website.
So I’m making this awakening move that increases your damage multiplier from 1 to 1.2
The damage is multiplied by the value of the Int Value(Damage Multiplier). However, the value does not increase, and it’s still 1.
This is the serverscript that increases the int value,
game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Combat.DamageMultiplierChange.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, number)
local chr = player.Character
local DamageMultiplierValue = chr.Values.DamageMultiplier
DamageMultiplierValue.Value = number
And this is the local script that fires the event:
local DamageMultiplierEvent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Combat.DamageMultiplierChange
The title says “increasing” but in the script you’re setting the value but not increasing it, if you’re increasing the value replace DamageMultiplierValue.Value = number with DamageMultiplierValue.Value += number.
My apologies, I meant to say “change” instead of increasing. I tried your method, however, the Int value did change, but it was not the value I wanted. Instead of “1.2”, it was “2”. Any solution to this?