Intellisense failure: Is anyone else having this issue? [SOLVED]

Intellisense autocomplete has suddenly stopped working across all scripts and games.

Reinstalled studio AND reset settings beforehand, still having issue.


All autofill settings required for Intellisense autocomplete to function are enabled.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

Edit: I did not receive an update and then the issue began, it just suddenly stopped autofilling while I was in the middle of programming something.


Weird, it seems to work well for me.

Weird. I assume I pressed a Keybind of some sort then, I just don’t know what it was.

Go to File > Studio Settings > Script Editor and make sure Enable Autocomplete is checked.

As I stated in the og post, all settings required for autocomplete to function are checked.

Why are your functions pink? Are you working in a 3rd party code editor? If so … you’ll need to install lua extensions

Themes. Type 1 built in theme to the Roblox editor.

Found in Script Editor settings.

Bumping as this issue is still persisting.

Bumping again. Persistent issue.

I managed to fix the issue! If any of you have this issue yourself, try going into %appdata% and clearing the RobloxStudio file from the Roblox program file, and then reinstall studio.

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