Interactive Laser Beam Feedback

I have recently created a laser beam that can interact with objects. In addition to damaging players, it can also be stopped by pushing a part in front of it. I still has some flaws to work out, but it seems to be functioning. Below will include the game I will be showing it in(note I’m showing off other creations in the same game). If you have feedback or questions, feel free to comment


I love how it is realistic as it doesn’t go straight through the player and basically stops broadcasting the laser beam when a player touches it. This would be a good thing to make a tutorial on.

This might just be me but I got kicked from the game after I pressed the button on the wall twice (nice laser beams by the way!):

Oh, sorry about that. Did you get knocked over or something? The anti-exploit track the players movement speed.

I like the game, however, the lasers “retract” when a player is in front of it. Lasers are just focused light. I think you should remove that part if you’re going for a realistic feel. Otherwise, it’s pretty good.

Ohh okay, I might’ve gotten knocked over, I don’t really remember haha.