Interactive Orientation Graphic

*Considering this is a UI, I’ll put it here… Could be scripting though.


I have been trying this afternoon to make an ArcHandles system that is based on a defined North and the orientation of my object (a Movement Handle, to show direction). I would then like to show an angle between the two, like so (Example, begin on pg. 89, Antenna Orientation).

I have tried using a Billboard GUI, because my thinking was that the traditional Studio handles use that system, but my images aren’t coming out the way I’d like them to, like another custom set of handles I’ve seen.

I do not yet have images to show for my work on the UI, but I’ll get some as I brainstorm a bit more.


It would help the respondents to save them time if you extracted the part of the pdf file you specified as an example so they all don’t have to open and then page down 89 pages.

I didn’t know how, so I gave the page number and section to look for. You can just input the page number in the X of X page navigation system within the PDF. So, I mean, for what it is, I did try. ¯_(ツ)_/¯