local spinner = script.Parent.Spinner
while wait() do
spinner.Orientation = Vector3.new(spinner.Orientation.X, script.Parent.Model.Centre.Orientation.Y, spinner.Orientation.Z)
maybe make a gamemode whoever spinner reaches a full 360 degrees wins
u make different type of keys like e m q r y t and its randomly
if u press see a golden e m q r y t then it gives + 35 degrees(the rare one)
if u see a grey e m q r y t it gives + 15 degrees (the common one)
I essentially wanted to avoid using any scripts, so I opted for AngularVelocity with the use of 2 attachments. When the pushable part’s centre’s orientation changed, the platform went along as well.
Unfortunately, the platform did get out of range (some sort of range where physics and constrains aren’t being rendered, I believe). That however is something I’ll try and figure out