Interesting idea - a game that can run off a single script

I wonder if you could make an entire, fully functioning, fully built game with only one script.

something to think about.

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I mean, who says you can’t?

Though it is a bad practice, and organizing your scripts is important.

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sounds like my game right now lol

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I mean, that’s kind of the point of a framework. The game runs off a single script, but that script is only responsible for setting up the environment. Everything else happens in modules.

If you want to think of it on a technical level, then all the code you write is fed through a compiler, so it is all in the end one script. If you literally mean to write a monolithic script and have a game run that way, then sure knock yourself and your sanity 6 feet under.

I also recategorised this to Game Design Support for a reason: concept building belongs in this category. I saw that you countermanded my edit, don’t do that. The thread’s going to get flagged if you leave it in Development Discussion because it’s too insignificant a thread for that category.

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Not sure about that, I would say you hould use ModuleScripts, but I remembered that you need to run the things in the ModuleScript with a other script…

The answer is yes. I can imagine it in my head, and I can tell you that at least a basic obby could all be operated under a single script.

It is interesting to think about, ngl, but I would never do something like that for a serious project, simply because it would get really complicated, really quickly.

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I’ll do you one better: A game that makes itself, and runs off of 1 script.

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