Interesting method for properly blending two roblox animations together

Another bite-sized tutorial! So I’ll just shut up and get on with it.

Do you want to blend two different animations when both affect one body part?
Something like a running animation like this;

With a weapon hold animation like so?

But then you try playing them together and get this… ew… Yucky.

Well that was me around a week ago but then suddenly my mind started cranking 90s and I got this:

A beautiful mixture of the two animations like they SHOULD be!

So how did I do this?
It’s easy!

First of all, you need to import your animation from the tool box.

After that you need to run a very basic script from the command bar:

local keyFrames ="Folder",workspace)
local bodyPart = "Torso"
for _,keyframe in workspace.KeyframeSequence:GetChildren() do 
	local Value ="CFrameValue") 
	Value.Name = math.round(1/keyframe.Time) 
	Value.Value = keyframe:FindFirstChild(bodyPart,true).CFrame 
	Value.Parent = keyFrames 
keyFrames.Parent = workspace

Where the bodyPart variable is your body part which you want to blend.

Afterwards you get a folder, name it whatever you want and parent it to your script.

After that you get this very simple script:

local m6d = script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.RootJoint
local offset = m6d.C0

local frame = 0

local a1:AnimationTrack = script.Parent.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(script.Anim) -- First base animation.
local a2:AnimationTrack = script.Parent.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(script.Anim2) -- Second overlapping animation.
a2.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action4

	frame = frame%#script.Walk:GetChildren() + 1
	local val = script.Walk:FindFirstChild(frame) -- The first base animation
	m6d.C0 = val.Value:Inverse() * offset

It’s a bit rough but conveys the concept pretty well! The concept being, you use motor 6ds to play the animation manually.

That’s all. Thanks.

Maybe… you should consider donating to this very pretty looking developer making random bite-sized tutorials huh? Just asking… :3

  • Great tutorial! Useful!
  • Bad tutorial, useless.

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