Interior Design Experiments

Here’s a little project I’ve been working on. :ok_hand:

This is my first ever DevForum post, so please be gentle! :scream:

Trying to focus more on interior design as I’m not usually very good at that. I’m interested in joining in on a cool project and helping as I have no projects at the moment, so if you need help let me know!

The place: New House - Roblox

Let me know any thoughts! Thanks.


I am currently looking at the game and im curious to know what program did u make this in?


I made it in Roblox Studio?

I didn’t know there were other programs you could use, are there other programs then? :scream:


Hi there. Thanks for your comment, if you’re talking about textures and meshes then I use Cinema4D. I think I mis-understood the question.

Also, I absolutely made 100% of this build and have had no input from anyone else. I have tonnes of other very similar builds, I generally work alone. I can guarantee you will not be able to find this anywhere else.

Yes - your first response was asking what I made this game in. I thought you meant you could build games in another studio-like program, but your talking specifically about certain textures or the meshes. I have Cinema4D but am terrible in it, so only use it for importing text meshes really. 99% of the build is just regular Roblox parts. Sorry for the confusion. I also used Photoshop for the textures*.

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This is really good! I like the modern look from this. I think all of the pillows in the bedroom should be white instead of blue, and the background for the text should be transparent and the text color itself should be yellow/orange. That is, if you’re using those pictures for game thumbnails.

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Thanks! I did try them white originally but felt like it got a bit too overly white! But I agree that the blue isn’t a very nice colour on there lol.

They were just to put onto this DevForum post so I wasn’t planning on using them as a thumbnail - it was just so you guys could see what room it was in. :slight_smile: I wasn’t planning on publishing it really or anything, it’s just a little project.


For anyone wondering if this is studio built: the building is made in studio and the textures (were found on internet) but some meshes like the pillows are free models. So in all its well done just smaller details need more detail like the keyboard etc.

Why are you trying to discredit his work so much? The whole purpose was “Interior Design Experiments” and I think it has a great interior design to it, nothing looks out of place and looks naturally put together, looks warm, modern and has several great attention to detail parts to it. Overall very well put together, only feedback I could give is that I think the lighting is too heavy in some areas - apart from that, very nice : P


I agree it’s very well made thats why I wanted to make sure it was her who made it. And I apologize for my earlier rudeness.

Less lighting in certain areas would make it better thats all I’m gonna say.

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Thanks very much for your nice comments! I don’t mind if people don’t like it, as long as they don’t accuse me of not building it! :rofl: :joy:

Again sorry about that I’m not used to people being talented in roblox xD

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Nice house I really mean it, the level of detail is impressive compared to other showcases.

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Stunning and incredible, good job mate. :+1:t2:

I’m impressed with the details and the designs in those pictures. As a builder myself, I currently don’t have much motivation to build something like this. You have a great potential in the future if you stick with building.

You’ve done a very good job, keep it up! :muscle:t2:


Thanks so much for your kind comment! :ok_hand:t3: :grin:

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This is amazing!

Do you think you could share the game link so I can give you screenshots with a Raytracing engine? (Shaders?)

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The game link is above and also - New House - Roblox

I didn’t know you could get Shaders/Raytracing on Roblox? How did you do that.

There is a .jar addon you can download called ReShade. It is technically a mod, but Roblox said themselves that FPS unlockers and Shaders will not get you banned.

I can get screenshots later today. I need to go to school :slight_smile:


Thanks for the tip, I’d never heard of this! I’ve downloaded it. Everything looks so EXTRA!

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