"Internal" Memory Tag Increases Overtime; Causing Server Crashes

We currently log every time a server crashes. In each embed we receive, we notice that “Internal” is high from 2.2k - 3k MB of usage.


I know it can be a very vague and broad amount of things. However, what thing can contribute to this number? I’m trying to reduce the amount of crashes so players can have a smooth playing experience. Or perhaps a memory leak within a script? If so, how do I know which are leaking?

Any help is much appreciated!

I’m also having this issue, does anybody know what’s causing this?

A lot has been changing with roblox, no doubt this is due to an update.

you can see its been increasing for more people over the last year.

is there anything we can do to resolve this? our servers are crashing often

I am not sure, I even crash often on roblox games now ever since 2024. I know its not my computer, I even had problems with studio. But roblox updates a lot, so maybe they are just working through a lot of things. In the mean time, make sure you do all the basic things that cause memory leaks, breaking functions when they need to stop, make sure loops are closing, it is still possible you have memory leaks in your game from a script. But I have seen issues on my end with my game and just playing roblox in general.