Internal server error when publishing Created Place from Studio

Video of the issue: Error shown at 2:37 after long timeout

What I have tried:

  • I contacted Roblox support before, but tech support only answered it.
  • Checked VPN and firewall
  • Removed all plugins.
  • Reinstall the studio.
  • Restarting PC
    I used another wifi but still the same.
  • Created a new experience and created a new place with CreatePlaceAsync(). Try to publish changes from the studio and return with the internal server error.

I’m using Windows 11., publishing in-game using SavePlaceAsync() works. Earlier this year, I was able to publish updates from the studio without any issues.

Hi thanks for reporting. can you send us the logs when this happened, placeId and whether this happened consistently? thanks!

Hi. Happened all the time since a few months ago.

Place ID: 18940209498
0.637.0.6370729_20240814T011901Z_Studio_52A63_last.log (194.0 KB)

hi. thanks for getting back to us, we looked into our system and found that it seems place 18940209498 was created in game using createPlaceAsync(). Can you confirm that you are only experiencing issue saving from team create sessions places you created in game this way?
We have a rule that places created that way can only be updated in game using SavePlaceAsync(). In creator dashboard or studio, you cannot open those in game created places in studio for editing. But I found that in you could, and we acknowledge thats a bug given the current rule. We are not sure why it worked before but that is perhaps a bug. That being said, I would still like to know what is your use case of editing a game created in game? Also where did you Thanks.

It appears that trying to publish/save to any place created using createPlaceAsync() will throw this internal server error. It used to work before without any issues (as long as team create was disabled). However even with team create disabled this error is occuring.

I like to publish to places created using createPlaceAsync() because I like to build stuff in game with tools and then make changes in studio (usually in scripts). Unfortunately I can’t publish my changes anymore from studio and would really like if this was possible again.

This was always possible since the creation of createPlaceAsync(), and not being able to directly publish/save to these places from studio is disappointing.

The only workaround is to go through the entire process of creating another place again using createPlaceAsync() and then having to teleport to the newly created place, which is such a hassle if I just want to make small changes. And doing this means the created places tab will fill up quickly with old places that are useless just because I can’t publish to them.

It’s probably just a issue with Roblox right now