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I am trying to update my game with an update that has been highly requested by my audience, however roblox studio is not letting me update.
I am getting an internal server error for the past hour when attempting to publish an update for my game.
First Error:
Second Error:
However, when i tried publishing to another place within the same experience, I do not recieve any errors
I have tried closing studio, and reopening studio. I also tried logging out and logging in as well. And I even tried updating other places, to see if the issue is global or place wise. It appears only this one specific place is having issues, because when i publish to a new place in the SAME experience, it does not error.
I have this issue a lot and the only fix is your internet. It’s not a roblox fault most of the time. It usually happens when your internet can’t upload a heavy game file.
The thing is, I opened a local file and saved it as a new place within the same experience (the exact same file and version i am trying to publish to the main start place). and it worked pefectly fine, but when i try to publish it under the main start place, i get that error.
^ That worked publishing under a new place but the current place “Streets of Chiraq” is getting the internal server error.
So it’s a team create related issue. May I know how big the place file is? I doubt there could be a fix for this though… try uploading the place on another team create universe.
I am NOT using team create at all on this project. This is using the default way of uploading roblox places. You open the game from the game page , edit the game, then save it (No script collaboration anything like that).
Saving the place to another universe is not something i want to do, because that means Starting completely over and losing most if not all of my players. due to them having to start over. I would like access to save my original place to continue my work.
To answer your question, the place file size is small, around 13 mb
The Place ID is : 16976630915. And it is the ONLY place that is having issues. When i publish other places, even places inside of the same EXPERIENCE (There are multiple places in experience as you know sometimes), i do NOT get this error at all.
Bumping this again, because i am still having the same issue with this same exact place in the experience. I need to be able to push this update, can someone (roblox support recommended), provide a remedy to this?
I even tried uploading a baseplate to the same place im having issues with, but to no avail. However if i publish as a new place within the same experience (not the starting place) then it lets me upload. This is extremely frustrating that there is no support willing to assist.