I’m trying to use the following web API: Games Api
However, I seem to get an InternalServerError whenever I send a request. I’ve passed my cookie as a request header, and the VIP server ID seems to be correct (it returns a different error if it’s a slightly different ID). Here’s what the error looks like:
Sorry, I wasn’t really specific enough, but I’m trying to trying to send the request from my own node web server. The error I posted is just a screenshot from the debug console.
Essentially all I’m doing is sending a request to https://games.roblox.com/v1/vip-servers/15444122 (that is the API of my roblox VIP server), plus a cookie header with my .ROBLOSECURITY. I can go to the exact same URL in my browser and see the same results if I’m authenticated as the desired user:
(No errors in the Firefox console)
I’m a little bit confused by the API documentation:
Is this to suggest that the universe wasn’t found? though, the “code” is 0, not 4?
This doesn’t seem to be the universe error. What headers does the api return (please hide authorization cookies)? Is there X-Csrf-Token? Does the same issue happen when using api via https://games.roblox.com/docs#!/VipServers/patch_v1_vip_servers_id or only in the script (bot) you’re making?
Seems that website still uses legacy api (www.roblox.com). Seems to be an actual issue rather than you doing something wrong. Move to Platform Feedback > Web Bugs .