As long as you didn’t send a .har file, you’re good.
As someone who really enjoys cyber security, especially on Roblox, I really enjoy these! Keep up the great work!
Honestly gonna share this post in RAR discord.
What’s even more scarier than the internet itself and getting hacked are the mha ships, those things scare me to the core and beyond.
If you never want to get hacked then just don’t download anything or talk to anyone who’s sus and has a crappy reputation.
But hey, cool project
I think that keeping your messages only to friends is also something worth mention, it reduces the chance a scammer bot message you.
That’s really sketchy. I’d check the link again. Fake links can still redirect to the video after being used.
As long as you didn’t click on the link you’re fine. That was probably a scam, I assume they didn’t reply back to you. The scam also might have had a few other steps, like possibly sending a file back to you (claiming it’s a picture of your avatar or something).
What exactly is a .har file?
This text will be blurred
You should sign out of all accounts then, instead of logging out. Resetting the cookie is useless if someone can still access your account.
It’s also still unnecessary to log out every time. Assuming you don’t visit scam websites, give out password, don’t get XSS hacked etc, you should only need to reset your cookie every few days.
To OP:
You should add enabling a Roblox pin. It protects your account from being totally hacked, so you will still be able to recover the account in the event you get hacked.
You should enable the full mental capacity of your brain by actually using it.
Look at what your doing and at stuff that looks unfamiliar and not do it to not fall for scans if you aren’t 10. If you are 10 this is good advice but there are no 10 year olds in this forum. There should be a slide telling people to actually think.
To OP: Why is there a parental consent thing on a 13+ forum? Some parents will also just say “sure idc” and not pay attention.
This is #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback, not #resources:community-resources/#resources:community-tutorials, so it’s not necessarily for forum users: it’s just a creation someone would like feedback on.
I imagine the OP is going to post it somewhere else.
Yeah I guess so, I just would think it’s weird if a 10 year old would read this forum when they aren’t googling scripting issues.
Can this go through even the new 2 step verification? (Google Auth)
Feedback on the “Get parent’s permisson to download” picture:
I’m pretty sure most people who understand cookie logging and HAR files can tell the difference between a malicious and legit program. This statement is in the keeping your account safe help article only because so many young children use the website and will download anything they see.
If you’re going to go over more complex topics like Javascript files and such that are geared towards older audiences and developers, I recommend changing “get parent’s permisson” to “If you’re unsure whether a program is safe to download, ask someone you trust to determine whether it’s safe or not.”
Just saying this because what are you going to do when you’re in your twenties and living on your own and you come across a program you want to download and you know it is safe. Call your parents who have never used Roblox before? Especially if this is for older audiences, teach them how to determine the legitimacy of a program themselves by reading reviews, doing research, etc. If this is for young kids, I would recommend keeping it however.
Well, you’re gonna have to update it now
It’ll likely be fixed by the time you see this though
It has your char decal and also your .ROBLOSECURITY cookie. Do not give this to anyone. ROBLOSECURITY cookies can bypass any 2FA.
Why are ROBLOSECURITY cookies even a thing? What purpose do they serve?
Absolutely love the effort and thought behind this, this should definitely connect better with the dev community
Can’t wait to see how this will progress and how it will be like when completed! Great job man!
Worked very well and Spreading Awareness about this is a good thing.
To add to the free Robux streams, I actually have had my artwork stolen and used as thumbnails on people’s fake Robux live streams before. Meaning every part of their content is completely stolen and is a scam.
So you don’t have to log in every single time you use an app.
Yes, a HAR file contains your ROBLOSECURITY cookie.