Interpolating colors on an EditableMesh

Hey guys so I’ve been messing around with an editable mesh ocean system for the past few hours. It’s my first time using editable meshes and I just got around to coloring the mesh. What I want is basically depth coloring. So when the waves get higher or lower, the color should smoothly interpolate between the brightest and darkest colors (which I pre-determine).

I can’t seem to get it to interpolate smoothly. I have it somewhat working but it’s not what I’m intending. I want perfect smoothness, not these rough visible edges between colors. I’m also just very confused on how colors work on editable meshes anyway. Like why does it need a table of colors? Am I using it wrong?

I’m new to editable meshes and not very good at math or interpolation so any help is greatly appreciated!

Here is what it currently looks like:

Here’s the code handling the colors so far:

local peakColors = {
	editableMesh:AddColor(Color3.fromRGB(61, 171, 255), 0),
	editableMesh:AddColor(Color3.fromRGB(61, 171, 255), 0),
	editableMesh:AddColor(Color3.fromRGB(61, 171, 255), 0)

local baseColors = {
	editableMesh:AddColor(Color3.fromRGB(50, 141, 207), 0),
	editableMesh:AddColor(Color3.fromRGB(50, 141, 207), 0),
	editableMesh:AddColor(Color3.fromRGB(50, 141, 207), 0)

local deepColors = {
	editableMesh:AddColor(Color3.fromRGB(31, 86, 126), 0),
	editableMesh:AddColor(Color3.fromRGB(31, 86, 126), 0),
	editableMesh:AddColor(Color3.fromRGB(31, 86, 126), 0)

runService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(dt: number)
	for y = 1, GRID do
		for x = 1, GRID do
			local vertId = vertices[y][x]
			local vertPos = editableMesh:GetPosition(vertId)
			local newPos =, 0, vertPos.Z)
			for _, wave in pairs(wave_settings) do
				local currentTime = os.clock() / wave.TIME_MOD
				local worldPos = GetWorldPos(mesh, vertPos)
				local dir = GetDirection(worldPos, wave.DIRECTION)
				newPos +=, Gerstner(vertPos, wave.RESOLUTION, dir, wave.AMPLITUDE, wave.GRAVITY, currentTime), 0)
			editableMesh:SetPosition(vertId, newPos)
			-- the code below attempts to interpolate the colors
			local facesToUpdate = editableMesh:GetFacesWithAttribute(vertId)
			for _, face in pairs(facesToUpdate) do
				local baseColor = editableMesh:GetColor(baseColors[1])
				local peakColor = editableMesh:GetColor(peakColors[1])
				local deepColor = editableMesh:GetColor(deepColors[1])
				local t = math.clamp((vertPos.Y + 7) / 13, 0, 1) -- Normalize Y to [0, 1] between -7 and 6
				local colorCalc = baseColor:Lerp(vertPos.Y > 0 and peakColor or deepColor, t)
				local newColor = editableMesh:AddColor(colorCalc, 0)
				local color = {newColor, newColor, newColor}
				editableMesh:SetFaceColors(face, color)
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