Interview Center Build Feedback

Hey, I’m Zack.

I am developing an Interview Center for my cafe called Purèe, which is aimed for a modern style. Please give any feedback/suggestions, as I really need help on how I can improve my build. Thank you!

I appreciate all help!


Maybe try making a glass walkway as the whole structure is on the ocean. And maybe at the end of the hallway there would be a waterfall of sorts. I think that’d be great!


Nice, but why in the last picture have so much text repeating the cafe group name? You already see it when you walk in, and probably in the game’s name. Other than that I like the art style.

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Thank you for the feedback, I’ll consider that for sure!


Oh, haha, I just added that as a bit of ‘modern art,’ for a little collage.

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Alright, it just might feel a bit concerning sitting at that desk with the dozens of logos behind you haha.


Oh, I understand what you’re saying, yeah. Thank you, I’ll consider changing it up!


Maybe you could also consider changing up the plants a bit to a more realistic fern of sorts, though I’m not sure if it would look good.


You should try experimenting with lighting and lighter colors I normally see modern buildings feature lighter flooring textures you should strive for something like that try giving the ceiling and walls, some objects hanging lights, potted plants TVs in the interviewer rooms something that’ll improve the overall quality of the build.

I’m not liking the (darker wood plank texture) maybe you should add something more attractive i advise you to work on placing decorations interview builds don’t need to feature much but just a small amount I would, definitely look at reference images of the things that you are trying to implement.

Other than that the interview build looks good i can see that modern approach I’m sure it’s still in development:


This is great! Maybe adding some personality to each room would really kill it.


Alright, thank you so much for the help!


Thank you very much! Sure, I can try that, thanks!

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Maybe you could place a piece of land underneath because to me it seems weird having a building that’s just on top of water if you know what I mean. At the end of the day its your project but ye that’s just my suggestion :grinning:.


Overall, this build is unique. I like the colors, and I think you did a nice job. My only suggestion is that the lighting is fixed, and these colored signs, and items should be a bit brighter. They’re a little too shabby. I dislike how your plant box outside with the grass-like plant doesn’t match the low-poly plant inside. The low-poly plant boxes are a model which is fine! But make sure to match that model with the outside plant, it’ll blend much better! I also think that the palm trees inside are a bit ridiculous, and if you keep them make sure that they’re growing from sand, palm trees don’t grow in grass! Good job though!


The detail in this center is amazing!

You could possibly add some textures to the outside areas of the build, and put some small structures and objects there to make it look nicer.

You have used a great contrast of colours and greenery.

I am not sure yet where you would put this structure, though if it is going to stay in the water, possibly make a dock.


I really like it. If I were you, I would add more decorations to fill in the empty space around.