Interview Center Build

I created an Interview Center for my group, which was for me and my friend to test our skills with building. All I want is some tips on it, we have definitely made improvements from past builds me and her have made. It used to look very camped and tiny, but if I could get some feedback on it and how improvements could be made, that would be greatly appreciated!

Sidenote: I was going to make the link public, however, it is not letting me publish. :person_shrugging:

Photos of Build


The overall style is good, I can see that the building is on the beach, or those could be pictures :smile:
The couches in rows dont really look right though
I hope this helps

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I agree, I feel as if they could maybe try back to backs?

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I took your suggestion and put the couches back to back, does that look better?

I do like that better than rows. Looks good everywhere else!

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