Couple months old, thought it’d be cool to show this off!

No meshes, only unions and parts.
This is amazing honestly, I don’t see a single piece of negative feedback I can put on this.
The fact that its only unions and parts as well is astonishing, and really shows how cool studio’s tools can be utilized for amazing builds like this! It legit looks like a museum I visited a while back on a school field trip, but the museum had a slightly different color scheme. You got the patterns right though.
Amazing job!
Hey bro, the build is awesome, BTW the detail, wow!
Keep up the good work! It looks great👍
It’s so nice!!! I really love the amount of detail, on the walls, pillars and roof! However, I recommend using a larger range of colours, as it looks all the same, especially the pillars.
Overall, it’s an excellent build, which I would love to see in a game/showcase!
I would also like to ask about the materials you used, are they custom or from the default Roblox materials? If they are custom materials, where did you find them?
These are all default Roblox materials, but I appreciate the compliments and feedback!
Thank you for the information!
This work piece is exquisite, nothing negative about this at all! I love how you structured the pillars and very Egyptian vibe. Maybe you could add some particle emitters for dust/sand falling down and add some torches!