Introduce messaging when adding someone as a translator so that developers understand what translators can do

As a Roblox developer, my Translator Portal page is spammed with many experiences that I won’t ever translate as a result of many people adding me as a translator.

When adding a translator, I believe there should be a confirmation step with a pop-up telling the developer what they can access (editing translations for any non-source language, deleting translations, changing the experience icon, etc. ) and the potential consequences if the translator does anything malicious i.e. translations or experience icon.

If this issue is addressed, it would improve my development experience because I wouldn’t see experiences that maliciously add me as a translator, whether to advertise or show me content that I wouldn’t want to see (see the first row in the image)


It’s extremely easy to put inappropriate content in experiences users are added to and I’ve seen it happen to a number of the experiences I’ve been added to.

I figure it’s also worth mentioning that this opens more moderation cases than is otherwise necessary, cases involving a malicious translator or experience containing malicious content would happen less if developers knew the consequences of adding a translator.