Introducing Assistant in Studio [Beta]


Why is commenting code against Community Standards?

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I hate the fact that every time you ask it to fix a part of your code, all that it does is explain the whole of the code. Really gets on my nerves. “Sure, I will do that.” I will explain the whole of the code for you, even though that’s the opposite of what I asked for.



Honestly, something needs to be done to stop this issue from happening. This is completely messed up.


We need some sort of jailbreak chat for this AI, because it only tells “sOrRy, BuT As a rObLoX AsSiStAnT, i cAn oNlY AnSwEr qUeStIoNs oN HoW To bUiLd, GrOw aNd mOnEtIzE RoBlOx cReAtIoNs. If yOu hAvE A QuEsTiOn rElAtEd tO ThOsE ToPiCs, FeEl fReE To aSk!” even though my question is related to one of those. It’s really annoying.


Here are some suggestions to enhance the AI’s capabilities and provide greater support to developers:

  • Develop the ability to generate complex scripts, such as leaderboard scripts, to assist developers in creating advanced game features.
  • Enable the AI to create shapes based on user requests, allowing developers to quickly generate custom geometries for their games.
  • Implement the feature to generate example models, like simulator trees, to help developers select suitable models for their games.
  • Create complex plugins to streamline development processes and provide additional functionality to developers.
  • Introduce a game view inspection feature that offers suggestions and identifies any script or model violations against Roblox Community Standards or Terms of Service.
  • Develop the capability to generate cartoon, realistic, or low-poly models to cater to a variety of game styles and preferences.
  • Provide animations and UGC designs to enhance the visual appeal and interactivity of games.
  • Create a Roblox Assistant Avatar that can test game components, provide feedback, and offer suggestions for improvement, facilitating automated testing processes.

While implementing these features, it’s essential to ensure compliance with copyright laws and Roblox’s Developer Forum Rules. Offering diverse model options and focusing on educational aspects can greatly benefit developers who may find scripting and modeling challenging. Together, these enhancements can empower developers and enrich the Roblox development experience.

This assistant never helped me.

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I don’t know if this is linked but the assistant in the IDE (the one that generates code suggestions) somehow always seems to know exactly what I want to type before I’ve even realised it. So well done roblox, you’ve beaten me.


I don’t know if this is an imposed limitation or whether it just gives up, but with long generations it stops in the middle.
It generated from (“IntValue”) then down.

I have found this really useful in some cases, but others not. I found out that the AI can create services that I’ve never heard before! For example, door service!

local DoorService = game:GetService("DoorService")

local door ="door91289248418"))
door.Transparency = 1

Pretty funny outcome if I have to say.