Hello everyone, I am excited to announce my own 1st UI Pack!!
Since V.1 wasnt really a success I decided to make a new one! This UI Pack is completely FREE, what I do ask though, is suggestions and criticism
since it is my first attempt.
This UI Pack includes the following:
1 Settings UI with 2 Setting Options and an exit/open button
1 Rebirths UI with 3 Rebirth Buttons and an exit/open button
1 Code UI with an exit/open button
1 Pet Inventory UI with an exit/open button
NOTE: The Pet Inventory is not the best one so you may not like it, feel free to change it if you want.
NOTE N.o 2: The only scripts in this UI Pack are inside the open/exit buttons.You will have to script the rest of the things by yourself.
If you have any suggestions feel free to message me on the DevForums.
Expect more UI Packs by me soon!!.