Introducing.. Biscuit's Free UI Pack V.2

Hello everyone, I am excited to announce my own 1st UI Pack!!

Since V.1 wasnt really a success I decided to make a new one!
This UI Pack is completely FREE, what I do ask though, is suggestions and criticism
since it is my first attempt.

This UI Pack includes the following:

1 Settings UI with 2 Setting Options and an exit/open button

1 Rebirths UI with 3 Rebirth Buttons and an exit/open button

1 Code UI with an exit/open button

1 Pet Inventory UI with an exit/open button

NOTE: The Pet Inventory is not the best one so you may not like it, feel free to change it if you want.

NOTE N.o 2: The only scripts in this UI Pack are inside the open/exit buttons.You will have to script the rest of the things by yourself.

If you have any suggestions feel free to message me on the DevForums.
Expect more UI Packs by me soon!!.

UI PACK LINK: Biscuit's Small UI Pack! - Roblox

Have Fun and Enjoy!!.


the model itself appears to be offsale, might wanna double check that :sweat_smile:

Thanks for replying, it is fixed now! :happy1:

awesome, i will give feedback on the UI once i check it out in studio!

Use scale not offset. Otherwise the UI breaks.

The UI seems to be okay to me though, Is it happening on different devices?

Change your Screen Size. Then you will see it.

Plus, i am using Scale, since offset is breaking it

hiya, just checked it out in studio, here’s some general feedback:

  • Although it is quite simple, it does look really clean and polished. i really like the gradients in the background, too
  • Some of the positionings are a bit broken since some GUIs on the mobile emulator seem to be out of place

overall, solid simple GUI. keep practicing and i’m sure you can improve lots :slight_smile:

Its not the sizing, its the positioning…

oh, i think i didn’t undestand. Sorry about that.

Thank you!, yeah i think i do need to practise a little more before i start putting things here…

Please add pictures so we can see what your UI Pack looks like. Thanks for the contribution.


Will do!! Thanks for the suggestion

Suggestion: Include images of your UI pack on this post