Introducing Builder Font + Deprecating Gotham and Arial

Making a Stylus theme is pretty easy, just set all .builder-font classes font-family to HCo Gotham SSm,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-serif

Why are Gotham and Arial being removed? Why can’t they be left as a choice for developers to use in UI?

In almost every experience, users have complained about the new font, talking about how they miss the Gotham font. I don’t understand why the Builder font had to replace the Gotham font, given it’s essentially the same as the Tahoma font, except slightly more condensed.

Why will Arial and Gotham not be a choice for developers anymore?

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Frankly, builder is ugly compared to gotham. Builder is too condensed. But if you uncondense it you just have a gotham copy, at which point we should just use gotham.

If you want to add montserrat thats fine, but why would you outright remove gotham, one of the most popular fonts in studio? What a terrible plan.

The Roblox playerbase has grown to know and love gotham. We like this font. Please do not remove this font. This whole thing sounds like roblox hq got a visit from the good idea fairy.

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I agree, the new font is frustratingly awful. It’s putting a lot of strain on my eyes trying to read anything with the new font. I’m usually not one to criticize changes made by Roblox, but this is a terrible change!


Waiting for that one legendary guy to swoop in with a script/extension that reverts yet another UI update. I really don’t like how thin this font is. It’s probably nice in some contexts, but not for replacing the old font on the website.


i heavily dislike this font, ruins the look of the website and ingame.

hurts my eyes just LOOKING at it

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Alright so on paper this font looked ok but I’ll be very honest in practice it looks nowhere near as good as I expected. The weights on everything feel wrong - bold is too bold and regular text is unreadably thin. The character separation is also practically non-existent.
I also really don’t know why but it all seems too sharp? (for the lack of a better word)

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they should totally just use Verdana or something for the Windows applications at least, the new font is genuinely painful to look at - everything went from bold, bubbly, and spaced to squished and over-sharpened! (here’s a comparison of the old and new at least for the website)


tysm roblox for new cringe and bad update! every player love it lmao.
at least make so every player can choose font. but I think that roblox staff won’t even read my comment cuz they dont care about players


Said this in the other thread, but if Builder was a bit less condensed it would be a good font. Right now it feels too… “tight”? Crunched? Namely, the spaces between letters themselves in words. If it was just a liiiittle bit bigger, it’d be damn good.

Surely we’ll get used to it, but this is just one change that imo would make the font feel way better.
Not sure why they’re deprecating Gotham and Arial, but hey, I’ve always used every other font except for those so it really doesn’t affect me.

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Please seriously consider reading the Arial and Gotham fonts, if not at least improving the website fonts. A big corporation like Roblox which makes millions should be able to afford the licensing. To the Roblox staff reading this, speak to your superiors, and tell them how important these fonts are and why they should be kept on this platform; developers and players alike love these fonts.

It costs this much to keep Gotham and Arial fonts on Roblox? I’m sure they are not like a million USD each.

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if you don’t like the new font, do this if you are on mac:

mkdir /Applications/
echo '{"FFlagEnableNewFontNameMappingABTest2": "False"}' > /Applications/

open terminal and paste this


Another awful change. The website now looks like a 5 year old put it through Microsoft Word and selected the worst font ever. It does not look good in any part of the website nor does it look appealing to new players. It makes me wanna :face_vomiting:. Seriously. The website feels like it has recieved a downgrade. Please for the love of god, revert this change to the normal font. Plus what is the matter for deprecating two already widely used fonts?

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I feel like Builder Extended or Montserrat would’ve been a better, less jarring replacement font to use on the website since it has a wideness similar to Gotham (assuming Gotham is being removed for licensing issues). I think the regular Builder font looks worse than Gotham, but it’s an okay font.

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Btw tutorial how to revert to classic font is here. Go watch the vid.

Did they never test this update before releasing it? The texts appear to be compressed and small. Builder font is not compatible with the ROBLOX site.

Also, I can say that the Builder font looks very good on Guilded. I liked it for Guilded, but it’s terrible for ROBLOX.

Switching my game from Gotham to Montserrat, turns out I used Gotham a few times :^)


Guys! Easy fix!

Replace the font files back to Gotham and Arial.
I recommend using Bloxstrap so it doesn’t reset all the time.