Introducing Builder Font + Deprecating Gotham and Arial

Normally I’d understand any case where someone is affected by an update and move on, but can you elaborate on this?

The fonts are similar enough that I think most people wouldn’t notice it if the change was forced. Well, nevermind.

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I honestly don’t think anyone should be upset over the deprecation of certain fonts, as seen in the diagram above the replacements are the exact same. The builder font is great but the issue is with licensing; shouldn’t it be allowed with anything that is related to Roblox?

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Feels like this is roblox being scrappy. They probably don’t want to pay font licenses on gotham and arial anymore.


Current Roblox logo have Gotham font. So waiting new logo again😭


Quoth the Encyclopedia:

Arial is a proprietary typeface to which Monotype Imaging owns all rights, including software copyright and trademark rights (under U.S. copyright law, Monotype cannot legally copyright the shapes of the actual glyphs themselves). Its licensing terms prohibit derivative works and free redistribution.

Looks like there’s nothing better Roblox is allowed to do.

One concern I have about newer fonts is that they load from the cloud, which means that they can sometimes, briefly, show up as another (packaged with Roblox or Studio) font before the new font pops in.

The replacement fonts’ metrics are probably close enough to the fonts they replace, so old experiences shouldn’t be impacted unless they had text lines just a hair away from wrapping or the fonts aren’t as close as anticipated.


What will happen to the legacy font (rbxasset://fonts/families/LegacyArial.json)? Will it also be replaced with Arimo?


but why? what purpose does removing gotham and arial serve? and honestly that “builder” font doesn’t even look that good. Completely useless change


We don’t know yet, But they said that they might be still useable in games, But is recommended to switch them just incase

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You don’t need to pay a license for Arial, and a font license for Gotham ain’t even that expensive. (if any is even required)


Presumably this is font licensing…?


I’m excited about the new Builder font as a typography nerd. Very refreshing after years of generic Gotham, I’ll say!

It’s understandable that you don’t want to pay for licensing fees wrt. Arial and Gotham. I’m glad to see that there’s auto-replacement in place. It’s a shame Montserrat and Gotham aren’t metrics-compatible fonts, but so be it I suppose.

(For those wondering, two fonts being ‘metrics-compatible’ means you can switch them out without affecting text layout: Metric-compatible fonts - ArchWiki)


Oh that’s neat! New font updates!

I don’t wanna sound like that guy but uhhhhh… custom fonts when? :innocent:
I got a folder with fonts that I’d love to use for my projects.


Oh yeah I forgot to mention, Games like RetroStudio in most of their games use the “Arial” font for 2013-14, So I don’t know what AyRay will respond with by the end of May


The transition will likely be automatic, it’s extremely unreasonable to worry about this


Say it louder for the people in the back!

The issue is not that players may notice. The issue is that I’ve designed my UI around a particular font with a particular size and particular spacing. By changing the font, text that was previously legible may now be too small to read given the size of the UI element it’s in. Text that previously fit within the bounds of its container may no longer fit and get cut off. Text that previously fit on two lines may now require three lines and vice versa. The point is that I now have to spend countless hours re-tuning all my UI to accommodate this change, lest my UI be potentially automatically bricked in May.



This makes absolutely 0 sense, why just… Remove them??? Like why specifically those 2? The 2 probably most used ones out of the bunch just, gone??? Like that??? Replacements may look similar sure, but some people have used those fonts on A LOT, changing them out throughout various different games might be just straight up painful.

I mean, sure cool font, but…

  1. By using the Builder font you agree to use the font solely for the purpose of creating, developing, and modifying, uploading, and publishing UGC Experiences (as defined in the Roblox Terms of Use) on the Roblox platform.
  1. You agree to not use or distribute the font for any other purpose whatsoever unless permitted by the Roblox Corporation in writing.

Does this mean that we basically can’t use it anywhere else? Where exactly do we know we can use this? What is exactly UGC experiences referring to here??? Can we use it on Thumbnails? Icons??? This really needs to be clarified.

This is… This feels like a decision thrown out just as some sort of update and at the same time an inconvenience to some people?

Take for example these posts:

There’s more I could quote but, you get the idea.

So uh… Yea, licensing needs some work, deprecation reconsidered.


Yeah, Legacy will switch from being Arial but 50% bigger to being Arimo but 50% bigger.

Builder Sans is available bundled with the client in 4 weights: Regular, Medium, Bold, and Extra Bold. They can be accessed with either Enum.Font.BuilderSans{,Medium,Bold,ExtraBold} or with Font.fromName("BuilderSans").

Similarly, Montserrat is available as Font.fromName("Montserrat") and is bundled in 4 weights: Regular, Medium, Bold, and Black. It currently doesn’t have an Enum.Font value though.

In the coming weeks we’re also going to be bundling Arimo with the client in the Regular and Bold weights.


I’m not aware of any metrics-compatible FOSS Gotham clones. There was Metropolis (which I loved dearly and even used for agnosia and Titanic In A Bottle back when I made those designs), but that got taken down by the type designer behind Gotham. Blame them.

Arimo should not cause any layout changes for previous Arial users.


Did you not see the diagram above? Arimo is the exact same

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Please also design a new brain which should be used in these updates. Deprecation? No off-platform usage? Damn.