Introducing Builder Font + Deprecating Gotham and Arial

Arimo and Montserrat can be used off-platform to be clear - those are FOSS fonts you can get normally via Google Fonts.

The only restriction is on using Builder Sans/Extended/Mono, which are Roblox’s corporate brand fonts. It’s understandable for a corporation to not want to license out the font they commissioned for their personal branding - you see this all the time in industry. This is normal.


likely as Gotham and Arial are only (I think) non-permissively licenced fonts, its likely they’re doing it to cust costs. I can’t imagine fonts being that expensive but given that if I try and look at >1M PV/M, it tells me to contact sales, I’m assuming it probably is.

you can try and pry Source Sans Pro from my cold dead hands


By using the Builder font you agree to use the font solely for the purpose of creating, developing, and modifying, uploading, and publishing UGC Experiences (as defined in the Roblox Terms of Use) on the Roblox platform

who at roblox thought this was a good idea? who on payroll wrote these terms?


Thanks for the correction, still, consider the deprecation.

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If this change is because of a licensing issue, good you’ve got a replacement!

If this change is because of a readability improvement or something else, nice!


Thank you SO MUCH ROBLOX! I’ve been wanting a new font for YEARS! I’m crying in joy right now! :sob:

It’s awesome to see Roblox’s focus on creators. It would be awesome of licensing could be changed to allow us to use this for marketing around Roblox related UGC things!


Arial in its current state isn’t the Arial Roblox used before 2014 so it’s inaccurate anyway


That’s a function of licensing fees. You might not realise this because they’re so ubiquitous on Windows and Mac, but Arial is technically not free. If you use it commercially you have to pay for it. Ditto for Gotham, except the people selling Gotham are way more protective of their royalties.

Roblox don’t want to deal with that understandably - they have to license for a platform of millions of users, and perhaps the type foundries turned around and changed the terms to something completely untenable for Roblox to continue with. Think Tommy Tallarico and the oof sound. This might not be in Roblox’s control.


I do like the look of the font, however, it’s much more compact than Gotham. This is problematic as it does not fit the vibe I was going for when designing my UI.


Builder Sans:

I’d reckon if the font was just a tiny bit *w i d e r* it would fit perfectly in replacement with Gotham. Builder Sans is much easier to read than Gotham, but unfortunately, it is just too compact for the game’s UI style.


This is pretty upsetting as the Gotham font is used entirely within our game, everywhere. I hope Roblox allows us to upload our own fonts in the future. I would happily pay for the licensing fee to continue to do so. All of our UI was designed with Gotham in mind, and although these alternative fonts are similar, they are still different.


Oh fun.

Guess I’ll be updating my plugins for Montserrat, I would do Builder but I don’t particularly like the regular sans for Builder.

Edit: Actually I forgot Inter exists. Definitely going with that most likely.

I really do like how Builder looks, and I’m actually a huge fan of the extended version too.

This, however…

… Is pretty frustrating. Automatically replacing them with their similar fonts is great because I use Gotham well… religiously, and don’t feel like going through every game I have to swap it out manually. That said, for the sake of transparency, it would be nice to have an actual explanation for why they need to be removed entirely instead of just leaving us in the dark like this.


I actually quite like this new font, and it’s awesome that there’s 3 font families. I’m a little frustrated about Gotham and Arial being removed, but if it was due to licensing that makes sense

Hmm yes, lets just break every game because we dont want to continue paying Monotype for a font license.


What will happen to the Gotham and Arial EnumItems?
Will they produce a replacement builder font instead?

Arimo is thinner, and the double storey A has a tail like the Greek letter Alpha, and some letters looks a bit thinner, Here is the evidence with the text being The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

For Gotham, The Cedilla is rendered differently compared to Montserrat, like you’d understand if you know Romanian and/or Turkish, The cedilla is just a stroke while the cedilla looks weird, Gotham is even thicker than Montserrat, and in Gotham, the dots in the I and J are squares, but in Montserrat, it’s a circle.

I know romanians like @SomeFedoraGuy will be mad about the cedilla part, but for romanians’ sake, sometimes people use the cedilla in romanian text since it’s very difficult to get the comma version unless you have the romanian keyboard or you google the unicode character, and the T with cedilla will render a comma instead though

The comparison roblox provided does not have enough evidence that they are the exact same


What was the issue with Gotham and Arial though?


why? there is no reason to remove it when yall have budget to pay a font license


What do you mean? It uses Gill Sans iirc (it’s a font bundled with Windows, I’m not sure what the licensing for that is).

It feels like such a dramatic change though and a month and a half notice to go through quite a few games and/or plugins.

It’s going to be annoying for me personally.