Introducing Builder Font + Deprecating Gotham and Arial

Okay builder font is good but:

What is the reason for removing these fonts? I see no logical reason to remove it. There is no such ridiculous idea as removing the most used fonts in the world.

Why don’t you give them a choice? There should also be the ability to select the old font. If this feature does not come, I will have to install a new extension. Roblox interface without add-ons has become terrible.


Yeah I’d be quite happy with FigTree, never heard of it before, looks nice

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Where do y’all come up with this stuff? I don’t think that it would be unreasonable to say that Gotham in particular is one of your more popularly used fonts (I would surely hope that you obtained analytics on this move, but it wouldn’t surprise me if not!), and it comes across as an incredibly asinine move to remove support for it. In addition, it’s an extremely popular font outside of Roblox too, and it seems crazy to remove native support for it & tell people good luck, this other one we have is… close enough.

Is this a case of Roblox not being able to cough up the cash to pay the license fee??? If there’s enough money to spend on other insane programs within the business that have reaped no reward, of which plenty can be named, there is surely enough money to license Gotham for another year!

Incredibly frustrating move, with what appears to have been no public consultation despite a myriad of feedback programs existing, with what I would regard as little time to swap over to using a different font.


My UI looks fantastic in Gotham. If I can’t even use the provided font for anything outside of Roblox, at least don’t remove the good ones. I totally welcome new fonts, but if we can’t do anything with them, why bother.

Roblox’s site already looks good in Gotham. Honestly though. At least keep the font.

If it’s another licensing issue, oh please. You’ve been using Gotham for years. How did that happen.

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Don’t remove gotham please. It’s in a very large portion of my games. And im also concerned about this license for the new font. Specifically for marketing use.


I can already tell a bunch of people will jump on the usual Roblox update hate train here, but I have to admit that I like the new font. It looks clean and gives the platform more visual identity.

As for the people complaining, no games will “break”; the post clearly states that places where the font isn’t replaced manually will simply have theirs changed automatically to a similar looking one.

It was also likely an issue with licensing fees, which is why I’m assuming they’re depreciating Gotham and Arial in the first place

The only concerns I have are about the licensing, especially in regards to usage for marketing purposes, so I hope that’s going to be cleared up

TLDR; The new font actually looks pretty nice!


I have used the Gotham font style for almost every single one of my UI projects and this really feels like another careless change with a benefit to try and cover it up. Why not keep the two fonts? After all, having more fonts provides more opportunities in UI design than limiting it. Also, what would happen to the stuff that is already Gotham? Will it just be replaced with a default font or something?

I will admit though, the new font looks pretty good.

Licensing costs. It costs Roblox money to license Gotham


You can just mod it back in, it’s not that hard. (Altrough it will only be visible to you as it’s a local change)
Like people have said, it costs money for Roblox to keep those fonts in.

(Idk if this is allowed, but if you want the Gotham font back, here is it. Just drop it in your fonts folder) (253.4 KB)


Hey roblox why not add custom font feature?

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They would have to moderate each individual glyph for the font


They’re replacing Gotham with Builder.

dang, Gotham was my go-to… I mean, just look at the difference between Montserrat’s “RBLX” and Gotham’s “RBLX” in the comparison… you CAN’T convince me Montserrat looks better, Gotham’s spacing is PERFECTION!! Shame to see such a great font get disavowed…


What the hell is this, Roblox? My projects have depended on the Gotham font for a long time, and my other friend’s projects have been using Arial for multiple years now.

For context: My friends are developers on an experience called RetroStudio, which is an accurate emulation of the early days of Roblox. Arial is one of the only fonts that Roblox had back then, so the player base relies on Arial heavily as a font in their own places on RetroStudio. If you are just going to remove Arial, you’re removing most of the font selection that is given to the players in-experience. Which, in this case, is not good.

In short: Please rethink this decision. You’re making the lives of creators more challenging when you remove these classic fonts from the client. We depend on these.


Wow this is a GREAT replacement for Gotham, it’s the replacement such a great font DESERVES!!

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another HORRIBLE update ! well done roblox for constantly outdoing yourselves.



While the Montserrat and Gotham do look similar in most cases, there are noticable differences for many of my use cases that don’t make this an easy change for me.

Well, crap…
I use Gotham in my games because I really like that font. I hope the alternative doesn’t look bad (hard to judge from just pictures, and even small differences can make fonts look odd)

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Good thing I almost exclusively used Gotham because it was the easiest font to read! Now almost all of my UI is going to be at an incorrect scale, potentially difficult to read. I guess I’ve got hours and hours of excruciating work ahead of me. Yay for Roblox…


This is basically just a simple guess, but it’s likely due to the creators of these fonts demanding more money from Roblox since their platform’s been growing more popular lately.

It’s the same reason Roblox stopped using the “OOF” sound effect that Tommy Tallarico made once he asked for a bigger payment, which led to them creating their own death sound effect.

I’m not really sure why Roblox doesn’t just pay the licensing fees at this point if it’s true, but it’s probably easier and cheaper to just make a quick replacement instead.

But the fact that we can’t use these new fonts for anything outside Roblox Studio just ruins a lot of potential that an update like this would have.