Introducing: Discord+ API by RAMPAGE Interactive

Player isn’t required to be in the server. Just an example for whitelist systsem.

Explain some backdoors in this?

Wow! Will it be open sourced for self hosting? Also, if this is even possible, will there be a feature where you can have a function which sends message to a discord server channel using its ID?

Possibly in the future.

Verification part can be easily abused to identify themself as someone who they are not.

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I’m assuming the MainModule is offsale for a specific reason? As I just tried using the system, but the Module is offsale so it’s not able to function whatsoever.

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I’m sorry about that, I have fixed that issue.

MainModule - Roblox

will there be a feature where you can have a function which sends message to a discord server channel using its ID?

Feature is in the works.

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Returns table if no data found instead of true.

Returns table if no data found instead of true

Returns 0 if no user found




local DiscordPlus = require(6884651300)
local API = DiscordPlus:RequestAPI(Token, Guild);
local Data = {
WebhookId = 123456,
WebhookToken = "abcd",
Username = "Discord+"
Title = "Hello World",
Description = "Hi Discord!",
Color = "BLUE"


local DiscordPlus = require(6884651300)
local API = DiscordPlus:RequestAPI(Token, Guild);
local Data = {
WebhookId = 123456,
WebhookToken = "abcd",
Username = "Discord+",
Message = "Hello World"


Update published to Module

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Takada Server is the first server being moved, We will have down time for around 20-40 minutes then we will be moving Nima.

Nima & Takada are RAMPAGE Interactive Servers keep the API Online. While Nima & Takada are down, all api and our websites will not be opertional.


Servers back online. Everything is back opertional and online

Was going to try out this system but it appears the bot is offline :frowning:

Image from Gyazo

Issue Fixed! Any other problems let me know.

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I alerted one of the HR’s in the server about it, But it seems in both the Rampage server and one of my personal servers during the Verification Process it doesn’t properly update the user’s Nickname


whereas I assume the Expected Nickname was [DisplayName (@RobloxUsername)]

Issue Sorted!

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Noah Server is currently down, repairing a issue with our network. This downtime affects Discord+ Database & CDN. This prevents the bot from turning online, we will have this up within the end of the week.