Introducing: Discord+ API by RAMPAGE Interactive

Created for Roblox Developers to utlize Discord+'s API to create useful API calls to Discord+ Website & Bot.

No Login or Account required! Quick and easy install.
For example, let’s say we want to fetch a players Discord Id for Whilisting only.

Module Id: 6884651300

Register an API key here:
Invite the bot: Authorize

-- Configuration
local Token = "tokenhere" -- Get a token at
local Guild = 1234567890 -- Discord/Guild Server ID

Let’s call Discord+ & It’s API

local DiscordPlus = require(6884651300)
local API = DiscordPlus:RequestAPI(Token, Guild)

Now we will use PlayerAdded Function from Players to notice when a Player joins the server.

local Allowed = {295744013406044162}
	local DiscordId = API:GetDiscordFromId(Player.UserId)
	if DiscordId ~= true then
		print(Player.Name.."'s discord id is ".. DiscordId)
		for i,v in pairs(Allowed) do
			if DiscordId == v then
				return "Allowed"
		Player:Kick("You are not whitelisted to join")
		Player:Kick("You are not whitelisted to join")

GetDiscordFromId(Roblox UserId)

Int value

GetBoosterStatus(Discord Id, Guild Id)

Bool value

  • Must have a discord role named Nitro Booster

GetDiscordPermissions(Roblox UserId, Guild Id)


  • Permissions cache is update every message sent by the User


local Data = {
WebhookId = 123456,
WebhookToken = “abcd”,
Username = “Discord+”,
Message = “Hello World”


local Data = {
WebhookId = 123456,
WebhookToken = “abcd”,
Username = “Discord+”
Title = “Hello World”,
Description = “Hi Discord!”,
Color = “BLUE”

We’re still accepting ideas

HasRoleFromId(Roblox UserId, Guild Id, Role Name or Role Id)

Bool value

Hold up! Verification! Players are required to link & connect their Roblox Account to Discord+. Follow the screenshot below to link your account.

What’s Discord+ bot for?

Connections Towards Roblox & Discord & Roblox Verification.

Where can I verify my account at?

*Run !connect roblox [usernamehere] in any channel and join Control Panel - Roblox

Can I test the API/Features?

Test them here Control Panel - Roblox. Beta Test features before they are officially released.

Developed with :heart: by @pasdalover @verbxtim and @vq9o


I like the idea but, wouldn’t raise a flag to kick users who are not verified from a 3rd party application?


What do you mean? It’s just a example for usage.

3rd Party Application is by RAMPAGE, the bot, the api, etc.


Will this be open-source in the future?

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Most likely some parts, we’re still cleanning up the code.


If you are kicking a user of the game for not having discord, wouldn’t that raise an eye?


Thats just an example, you can change it however you want

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Ok, that’s good to know, the project is looking good too!

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Just a example for a whitelisted only game by Discord Ids

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:hammer_and_wrench: Downtime
Discord+ Bot will be down as we investigate a issue with the bot. API & everything else regarding Roblox aspect will be operational.

Discord side of things will be down such as:

  • Cache Discord Permissions
  • Verification
  • Discord Bot
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Issue located and fixed accordingly. Everything is back up and operational.

Setup command will be down for revamp.

Very nice for giving out special ranks in my game! Will definitely use this. Thanks so much for creating this.

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Discord+ has created a wiki, for help with verification and commands.


Setup - Discord+ (

Account Link

Link To Discord - Discord+ (

It could be modified to instead grant Discord members individual features such as VIP commands.

This doesn’t really make sense to me. Why does it return true in the case that the user doesn’t have a known connected Discord account? I know it’s just an example, but it is still confusing. Couldn’t 0 or even nil be returned instead?

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Returns true simple little variable for others to understand nothing couldn’t be found.

That seems like a very arbitrary decision though and is usually not very standard. For example, indexOf or similar named, functions in Java, JavaScript, Python, etc. of strings will return -1 when there is no index found. This is because those languages use 0-based indexing, but since indexing in Lua(u) is 1-based, and there is no user with the ID 0, do you could have returned 0 or at least nil, since nil is a type that represents a lack of useful value. tonumber is a great example of this. Returning true when something was not found is usually unexpected behavior.

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I’ll implement this next Discord+ update with new functions.

True, but that also would be against the tos

Right. If you are planning on using this as an exile option, you could probably benefit from using some other methods. This API only works if the user is verified. Basically, if the user wasn’t verified, the blacklisting system for exiling users is that if the user’s Discord ID isn’t present, you’d have to refer to their Roblox ID instead.