Introducing in-experience Mesh & Image APIs [Studio Beta]

Will EditableMesh features be able to be used under Parallel Lua?
Specifically AssetService:CreateEditableMeshAsync & EditableMesh:FindClosestPointOnSurface, because I am currently trying to get my closest point algorithm to work with meshes for my custom collision system.


I made a plugin that can edit mesh’s shape!

This bug should be fixed in latest Studio (version 0.607). Please feel free to check it out. Thanks again for reporting this bug!


This bug should have been fixed in latest Studio (version 607). Thanks for reporting the bug and we’ll keep working on enhancing the feature.

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Thank you so much! I can verify from my end the change is currently working.

true but I think roblox only renders tris

cool raytracer i made (with a mirror!)


this aged SUPER badly (people are putting not safe for work videos on roblox)

What does it have to do with Editable Image and Editable Mesh?

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That EditableImage is being (ab)used to put that type of crap into a game; restrictions probably need to be implemented, or maybe just make an abuse report screenshot.

But it is not released tho and he sound like he was saying that these things already happen.

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^^^^^^^ This has to be added! This would be massive in terms of use cases and in many cases vital.

@FGmm_r2 Please look into this, incredibly paramount for upcoming use case of loading screen I’m wishing to work on. (seamless loading from one scene to another)

So many comments since I last checked this in Dec.
So apologies if this has already been asked.
Do you think there will be an option to turn off the smoothing / antialiasing, so that for low resolution
images, you get something more pixel perfect?


Roblox takes moderation of inappropriate content very seriously. If you are aware of any, please report to moderation.

However, EditableImage and EditableMesh are currently only a Studio Beta, which means that currently the only way to use them is from within Studio, e.g. from a rbxl that you’re creating yourself. Again, if you’re aware of inappropriate content being shared on Roblox, please report it.

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I am a bit confused, I see some screen shots where the pixels are not smoothed, but when I try, my pixels are blurry.

Is this due to quality settings or am I just doing something else wrong?


On Gui Objects like ImageLabel, there is a property that changes if the image should be smoothed or not. Sadly, you won’t find this property on Textures and Decals. You could make a SurfaceGui with a ImageLabel in it and if you change the property, it should work.


Maybe this needs to be a little bit more visible.

I just spent almost 24 hours trying to figure out why nothing was showing up on the image when using WritePixels, but the other methods, such as Circle, etc… were fine o.o

Read the docs over like 5 times, until I noticed the text


I want to make a tool in Studio that allows me to modify meshes in an editor of sorts, being able to publish this from Studio is a must if its going to serve any purpose out of being a fun tool.

Unfortunately, users have been editing their FFlags in the ClientSettings folder which results in the ability to access betas early. I’m not sure if this is an issue that can be addressed but there’s been an increase of videos on the topic. Here’s someone who’s been doing this to upload NSFW:

Fixed link:

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