Introducing LightingService!


(This is a remake of another post I made, but I decided to put it here)

Hello DevForum! (if you are Reading on 11/11/22) Happy Veteran’s Day!

LightingService is simply a ModuleScript I made for fun to try and make changing Lighting Easier!

Total Time: 6 Hours
I think it is a waste of my time to make this.
Feedback: Good
It might help some Developers with Lighting Manipulation during game.

What are the functions?

Current Functions:

Apply’s a Description of Values inside the Lighting, Once Specified, it will change game.Lighting.

Performs a Hard Reset of all Lighting / Atmosphere Accosiated Items by Removing them from the game

Tweens the Lighting Back to its Original Form (May Cause Performance Issues)

Tweens the Sky through a Day / Night Cycle with The Info given for the Tween
(Enum.EasingStyle.Linear Recommended for Smooth Cycle)

Tweens the Clock to a Certain Time.

Apply’s to both :CreateDayCycle() and :TweenTime():

Creates a Randomized Lighting with The Specified Numbers.

Any Recent Updates?

Whats New:

LightingService: v0.12 [11/11/22]

  • Replaced :ApplyLightingDescription() with :ApplyLighting()

  • Added New Function: :RandomizeLighting()
    (Creates a Randomized Lighting with The Specified Numbers)

  • Fixed :CreateDayCycle() not repeating

Where do i check out this “LightingService”?

ModuleScript + Function Assistance here:

So far I have Recieved Ok Feedback

What do you think?

I Would Love to see what you guys think of the ModuleScript

  • Great
  • Good
  • Ok
  • Bad
  • Terrible

0 voters

Any Questions?

Feel free to Reply Here if so!

I would love to hear your thoughts and Concerns!

Thank you for Reading!


DayCycles will be very helpful, but the way this module is presented is quite confusing.

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Yeah, i tried to make it not as confusing, im sure you can tell by all the edits i made to the post

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I think the reason why I find it confusing is because majority of the functions are simple and can be done with 3 lines, this module needs a function that is going to be very helpful and will be a time saver, so the problem is I am expecting something like that but I can’t which confuses me.

Sorry if that does not make sense.

Edit: this module is just like Lightning but with functions rather than properties.

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I agree on both of the points you make, but like I stated in the post, I made it for fun
Some may find it helpful, some may not, just your opinion and i can respect that.

If you want to change the Properties, just change that specific Property, you dont need the moduleScript for that, I initaially made to to change multiple at once

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