Introducing Mini Cities: The (previously) latest and greatest city builder

This is amazing. Beautifully done and I can imagine it could get quite addictive.

A couple of points:

  1. The “X” to close the current Tutorial dialog box isn’t very visible. I guessed it was how to continue, but younger players may get confused. Consider using a frame to encompass the Tutorial dialog and have the “X” directly linked to the frame.
  2. In tutorial, I got stuck, when trying to place “Classic Shop”, with the error “Can’t place inside other objects” even though no other object was in the space.
  3. Need a “Cancel” key for me to escape the above problem as I can’t continue
  4. Delete" function need to have a visible Icon associated with it to highlight the area for removal.
  5. White on White text in the menu’s is difficult to read.
  6. Difficult to tell when Parking Lot is oriented correctly.
  7. Clicking on a building opens to Colour Edit by default. Perhaps change UI so the Stats show first, with just a button to open Edit Colours.
  8. The buildings UI opens quite small until I zoom in to first person. Tablet and phone users might have a problem with this. 80% of players in my games tend to be on those platforms, so try and keep them happy. Perhaps have the building name as the UI title.
  9. Main UI Population, have a sub-frame open with total population happiness, showing reasons.
  10. Some building dialogs get cut off. Some message about not enough experience to get a job… was the one I read.
  11. Some people don’t see the “Press E to buy this Plot” msg. I actually bought the plot for another player to help them
    Bandwidth. ~100k/s used, why is this? Are the cars server or client sided? If server sided, consider using the server to hold the start/destination and for the client only to animate the movement and place to place.

Great work. I look forward to this being popular.


I really like it! But I have some other ideas that you can add to it. I saw that there is a police and fire station but they have no use. You should add crime and natural disasters that spawn randomly and then the public services can have more of a use.

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This is awesome I’ll definitely have to try it out, I play Cities Skylines quite often and actually thought once that roblox should have some sort of city building game.

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Hey, love the game, it is fun!

How did you do your road system? So roads connect as you place them.


Whenever you place a road it takes four ray-casts on a global axis, one from each side of the road. From there it finds the amount of open sensors found to determine what type of road is needed (If three sensors are found place a three-way intersection). Then it finds the rotation of the road depending on which sensor activates first.


I assume that the sensors are invisible parts that you place on the road tiles themselves?

either way, that is an interesting way to go about it.


Yeah they are, there are green and red sensors on each road. Green being open and red being closed. And yes they are just invisible parts lol


Why bother with closed sensors if they, and tell me if this is wrong, are just road spots where another road already is?

I might be misinterpreting but what makes a senor closed but idk.

Closed sensors have two main functions: The first is so that houses can tell that they’re actually connected to a road. The second is for when a open sensor finds a closed sensor, it’ll know to run the function again on the road with the closed sensor.

I must say this is the cutest and most detailed city building experience I’ve seen yet. The building system works well, the GUIs are wonderfully done, the features are fun and performance is excellent for me so far. Here’s a crude screenshot of my odd looking suburbs.


This game is incredible! I have seen games like it but this one stands out! Every aspect of the game is polished and working awesome!


Sorry to bother you again, but in your first reply, you said that it figures out the rotation based on which one was activated first. I am trying to make a system similar to yours in my game and don’t understand what you mean so do you mind explaining?

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Loved the concept! will try it out for sure!

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Real promising looking little game. I got serious sim city vibes when playing this. Which makes me wonder if you have future plans to buy small upgrades and attachments for things like the schools or police stations that improve them?


Can you also add water and edged terain, like triangles so the terain wil go smoothly and not blocky
(like in themepark tycoon 2)

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The game is absolutely amazing.
One thing I would like to suggest is making the UI a bit smaller. It would fit for mobile devices, but as a PC player I think it is a bit too big.

I really liked the terrain editor.
Very cool game!

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Hi, I’m having a hard time to find out what are the specific suppliers for each store, am I able to get a hold of a list of suppliers and the store it supplies?, Thanks in advance.