Introducing MisterRedTurtle!

So what color egg did you hatch from? :thinking: Welcome to the DevRel team!

Inb4 a Mister____Turtle is made for every color.

Welcome to the DevRel team, GreenTurtle’s “twin”.

Welcome!! I also enjoy red turtles, I have heard they can be faster then those slow green ones!

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I love to see the DevRel team grow, and I hope to interact with you in the future!

Love the names you guys have :smiley:


Red is totally better than green… maybe.


Welcome to DevRel! I think it’ll certainly be an interesting experience for you.

Ooh I know you’re right, wink wink. But I’m sure MisterRedTurtle will do a great job !

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Crimson is :ok_hand:, but still welcome to the forums I guess.

Glad to have you, but here’s a question. Where’s MisterBlueTurtle?

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Welcome, bringing our games to all countries of the world is a super important step, so thanks for joining Dev rel to help us do just that :smiley: !!

Color Red #1 :wink:

Welcome to the team! :slight_smile:

Glad to have you here now! Just… don’t fight over the red and green thing, please. Both colours are evenly cool!
So here’s a plan: The first month you and MisterGreenTurtle are here, you won’t fight!
If you both succeed, you will both be rewarded with my love. Otherwise, beware for my grumpiness!

Sounds like a good plan?

Anyway, enjoy your stay! Hope you’ll have a great time with us. :slight_smile:

I really love purple. It is awesome. :slight_smile:

Congrats! Hope you have a wonderful career at:wink::wink::wink::grinning::grinning::grinning::smirk::smirk::smirk:OBLOX With developer relations! I might be coming to! Don’t mind that stinking freaking green turtle

Welcome :slight_smile: but I’m with @MisterGreenTurtle green > red :grimacing: sorry.

thinkaboutithave you ever seen a red turtle before?


Welcome to the DevRel team! :smile:

I’ve got to agree Red > Green.

Welcome to the community, I hope you enjoy your stay. Hoping to see you around. :slight_smile:

Woah bro hes mine. Smh… :uhh:


Oh my. I thought only humans knew how to use computers!

Hello MisterRedTurtle.