Introducing Monetization Metrics for the Analytics Dashboard

Like others have said, the removal of the chart for hourly queries in the developer stats page is really annoying, this was incredibly helpful to measure the effects of an update or change. (Even for large games!) Please add this back, thanks! :slight_smile:


I usually check in daily in the morning to have a glance how revenue performed over the past 24 hours.

Now I have no quick way to check how my game is doing - the data in the new monetization tab seems to be 2 days old. I understand that hourly metrics aren’t so useful, but understanding how well my game has performed in the past 24 hours is pretty essential for me, especially after making some updates. The new monetization tab is cool, but losing the ability to know how well my game performed overnight is pretty disapointing.


I have waited a long time for this! Soon enough the new analytics dashboard will be good enough to replace existing third party ones - like GameAnalytics or playfab

Any word about custom events to allow us make our own graphs thatll be specific to our game?
Thats the only thing thats holding me back from dropping GameAnalytics

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Fun fact: If you spend some time to code and link APIs, you can actually make a program to indicate when exactly in the gameplay they pay.


HUGE complaints that seriously interrupted my day & make me extremely upset with this change:

  • I am unable to see my hourly revenue. This is CRUCAL to see how my games are preforming with new updates
  • Revenue is DAYS behind!!! I have NO IDEA if my sponsors are profitable or if im shoveling money into a fire UNTIL days later!!!
  • I CANT see revenue for group games I dont own! I have EVERY permission in certain groups, but I am unable to see how much money I am making!!! Seriously annoying!!!

Roblox STILL sends the request to get the hourly data!!! Why not just display it???


Hi @Kullaske:
For the group game revenue if you are not able to see it from the new metrics dashboard, you could work with your game’s group owner for the right permission.

This one should give you the detailed instruction on how to turn it on.
If you still have trouble after the permission is on please let us know.


Getting issues with this even when I am the owner of the group :confused: really frustrating change


I don’t know why, But I really don’t like this update. This is more confusing then the other stats. Hourly is important, Yet isn’t in monetization? Thank you roblox, For an update nobody really asked for.


Please give us back the ability to see our hourly and daily developer product sales. This is a really great new feature, but it isn’t worth it if you take away the ability to see our live earnings. Having to wait 2 days to see what we are earning, especially after an update is stressful and not helpful at all. This should be reverted until you can provide both features simultaneously.


:wave: Hello! I understand wanting to improve Developer Analytics in regards to monetization but this has disrupted mine & many other developer’s work flow by a ton.

First of all, Hourly revenue is EXTREMELY important to me and has been because it allows me to see around what hours do players purchase most, what is the impact of certain updates I release to my game and the list goes on.

I can’t even see my daily revenue anymore, anywhere. When I access “Monetization” under the “Analytics” tab it says “Failed to load the page”. I can however see the developer stats.


And I can’t see anything at Developer Product sales either:

I haven’t had any trouble before regarding seeing my revenue until this update.


I am concerned by the choice to remove all revenue statistics from the developer stats dashboard.
Sure not having data in two places makes sense, but this prevents smaller games from seeing any revenue statistics, which means any small scale testing of a game’s viability becomes impossible.

Just to note, I also get “failed to load page” when I click the new monetisation tab on my game.
If its relevant the game does not have sufficient DAU’s for the full analytics dashboard, and it is not a group game.


Will the two-day latency “limitation” ever be addressed or is this forever something we can expect from these new dashboards?

What I’ve found most people are upset about is simply that we’re downgrading from no latency to two-day and getting less granularity. I can only imagine the latency will also cause frustration when this finally rolls out to replace the other metrics developer stats currently handles.


Hey, I’m the developer of the game Junk Simulator, I want to reiterate what others have said and I definitely don’t like not being able to see my hourly revenue stats. I understand they were less accurate and they didn’t account for the Roblox fee but like others have said it gives smaller games a great way to see the impact of changes at a very granular level. Along with this not being able to see the current day is very annoying. This change is extremely disappointing to me and I hope that you can either bring back the previous monetization charts in the meantime or bake it into the new monetization page asap.


Thanks for all the detailed thoughts here.
Could you tell me what you can get from monthly game stats export?
We think we have got all the metrics in monthly game stats covered inside the new analytics metrics. Is there some feature that is still missing inside monthly game stats export?


Hi @Bloxquility
Could you let me know which game you own so I can help take a look to see if there is any issue with the data loading.
Also for Developer Product Sales it is not available if you are looking at hourly data. If you switch to daily/monthly for developer stats it should show up.


Why was the dev stats table removed?
I’ve been tracking that data daily in my excel file since 2016. I want to see at a glance what my hourly, daily(most important) and monthly figures are.

Downloading a CSV with all the data is not easy or convenient for anyone, plus we already had that available to us before.

Please return the dev stats table, there isn’t really a reason to not have it.


Hello. I’m one of the developers of Evil Genius Tycoon. Our game came out just over a month ago so we haven’t made much use of the monthly stats export, but this change is actually great for us looking towards the future. As I mentioned in a comment on this thread last night, in addition to this new panel, we still need to be able to see our hourly and daily earnings as it helps us greatly determine how our updates are received by our player base as well as giving us that confirmation that our developer products are working. I think the monetization panel has everything we need for the monthly information but we can’t afford to wait two days to see how we’re doing, especially after an update. I appreciate you taking the time to reply here.

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Are there any plans on having an API provided for the monetization metrics or are we going to have to stick with a custom system for that?

A good amount of games make use of a premium currency type of system though the metrics dashboard does not account for such and instead would display purchased currency types (e.g. 100, 200, 500 premium currency) to my understanding of this all.

Having more freedom on what we specifically can track (like what a user spends said currency on) would be useful and even beneficial breaking down data on what products sell well and what products don’t.


I think it may also be because my game is based on UGC Sales, Clothing, % commissions… I have read through this topic and I understood that doesn’t apply to the new monetization system yet.


This is perfect! Absolutely crucial to allow for proper strategic planning and measuring success.