Introducing... My CustomEvent repair kit!

Hello! Recently Roblox had broke a depricated instance called "CustomEvents". This really wouldn’t of been an issue. But it is. You see, there are a genre of building games called “Stamp tools” which is bassically a old pack/group of tools introduced in personal servers. But one of the main attractions with that tool was the “WiringTool”! Unfortunitely, this tool relys on a very old system. Introducing… The “CustomEvent Family”.

Here is the kit with everything you need to get started on your progress to repair.

This kit has everything you need including a copy of the WiringTool from the StampTools family that has been modified to work with the new CustomEvent instances. The time it takes to complete this project varies depending on how many CustomEvents there are.

If you prefer the old kit which is much more harder and requires much more coding skill the old/legacy CustomEvent repair kit can be found here:

Please note this is the old/legacy version, It wont be updated.

Good luck and happy fixing!


Thank’s for the resource :smiley: seems quite usefull to me. Thank you so much :smiley: (Emojis take up more of the 3O char limit than normal text)

This looks nice, but since CustomEvents are literally just the old versions of BindableEvents (At least according to the documentation), wouldn’t it make more sense to just replace the CustomEvents in the game with BindableEvents without the need to use another system to fix the events?

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BindableEvents and CustomEvents work differently. CustomEvents are static. Which means they are great for making wirable objects. BindableEvents can only provide so much compared to CustomEvents, and are harder to work with.

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My goal isn’t to change it entirely, my goal is to keep it as original as possible so people dont notice a difference.

I would recommend adding a documentation, instructions, and how deprecated CustomEvents we’re different from Bindable Events either way I might use this in the future!

THANK YOU SO MUCH DUDE! I found out for some reason that setting sources doesn’t work anymore. This is a great fix. Thanks so much! I mean it.

Your welcome! Im quite suprised even though I put out the notice saying this is outdated and im going to release a new module, you still used the old one anyways. If you want to see the new module you can see it showcased here.

Nice job! The new module looks polished. I also wonder if a configuration tool will be released as well in the new module? Anyways, thanks for the resource!

For people who are too lazy to replace all the deprecated events, here’s a line that can help you replace all INSTANCES ONLY with new ones, you will still have to rescript the scripts, but less hussle.

local CER = game.Workspace["thebigreeman's CustomEvent Repair Kit"]["CustomEvent Replacement Instances"].CustomEvent.LeverEngage
	local CERR = game.Workspace["thebigreeman's CustomEvent Repair Kit"]["CustomEvent Replacement Instances"].CustomEventReciever.PausePlay
	for i,item in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
		if item:IsA("CustomEvent") then
			local itemname = item.Name
			local x = CER:Clone()
			x.Parent = item.Parent
			x.Name = itemname
			print("Successfully replaced CustomEvent "..itemname.." with a fixed Variable.")
		if item:IsA("CustomEventReceiver") then
			local itemname = item.Name
			local x = CERR:Clone()
			x.Parent = item.Parent
			x.Name = itemname
			print("Successfully replaced CustomEventReceiver "..itemname.." with a fixed Variable.")


The new CustomEvent repair kit is now avaliable for use!

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Actually, thank you so much for this.

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