Introducing Myself: NamesNotRandom

Hello, You may call me NamesNotRandom!
Who am I?
I am a GFX Artist, If you want a Game Icon from me, Message Me!
What is my Trust Level?
My Trust Level is New Member.
Do I Accept Friend Requests?
No I don’t, Send a Follow Request instead.
What is my Favorite Game?
Innovation Labs.
Can i Request a GFX Thumbnail/Game Icon?
Please Read Below before Requesting, if i don’t accept the request, The reason might be that your game might be private, Cost Robux, etc.
Do i make Games on Roblox
No I don’t, I am not Good Builder.
Is Roblox My Favorite Game?
Yes it is!
How did i joined ROBLOX
From a User named @VTRJex, He told me about it in 2017!

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GFX Game Icons Requests:
Is your Game Private? If yes, I may not accept a Request, Same applies if the Permission Levels are either NOT on Computer, Nor Phone, (I do sometimes use a Phone) So make sure your Permission Levels are on Computer, or Phone!
Before Messaging a Request
Your Game has to be scripted, and at least 1000K Views, I can only make a GFX Background, and a Game Logo, do not expect i will put any Animated-looking Roblox Characters or something related to that in the icon, hopefully i made this article clear!

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