Introducing Premium Payouts!

Well, the reward you will get is roughly proportional to the amount of visits your game gets times the amount of time the average player spends in it and I don’t see anything wrong with that.
It is essentially a return of the 1 tix/visit-system except that it can’t be botted due to the requirement of the visitors having to be premium members.


300 Robux per day is showing on my graph. How is this supposed to make me feel like catering towards premium members when I can just sell 1 game pass for 300+ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Seems like another update to give Roblox disproportionately more money than developers. There isn’t much of a reason to use the pop-up in game if we don’t get a cut if the money we earn is only based on playtime. I’m sure that this will bring in a lot of money for Roblox but doesn’t seem like it would help smaller developers too much since the amount of Robux given is compared to other games, giving games that have already been well established even more of an advantage than they already do. I think that it needs to be a linear relationship.


I think this feature might give developers more of an incentive to develop games targeted at older audiences, considering that they are more likely to have access to a Premium subscription.

I am very interested in finding out how this feature will be used in games and how the styles of games may change in favour of the update, as it could potentially be one of the steps needed to help Roblox start targeting more players from older age groups in addition to its current general audience.


I understand that but it says “Over other games”. So does this mean it’s relative to the top games? If so it seems like it just rewards the top games more rather than a

“larger goal to help you build a financially successful and sustainable business on Roblox”

I could be reading it completely wrong but I just have been confused by that wording


Prioritization doesn’t work like that though. Roblox is made up of different teams of people with different specialties who work on different things. Not everyone can work on the same things. And even if they could, adding more developers to pretty much anything computer-related is not directly correlated with an increase in productivity.


Exactly, it’s frustrating how few people seem to get this. Discouraging the use of paid access, a feature that Roblox has made available to developers, seems ridiculous to me. I’d much prefer if at least some of the front page games were paid access games where, by purchasing the game, you are eligible for all of the content in the game.


is it possible to give premium subscriptions rewards in game to encourage them to play?

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I absolutely love how you guys have executed the new monetization model. It incentivizes us to push for content that helps Roblox, the developer, and most importantly the player win. Thank you for delivering a winning solution! This will be an excellent boost that will help creators like myself sustain a business on the platform long-term.

Excited for the future of Roblox as usual. Thanks again team.


If a player purchases premium in my game give me a portion of what they paid for it at least, not $0.0001 worth of Robux after 1 month :unamused:

Player buys premium, Roblox gets $5+

Developer who’s game they are playing gets like 1 Robux :confused:


This is similar to how I feel.

My game(The Conquerors 3) has pretty decent playtimes and an older playerbase that spends a lot of robux for the lower popularity that it has. Meaning an average game that’s about as popular as mine will probably earn less than me in premium payout? That’s just not worth much. Not that I don’t want more robux, but this update isn’t really motivating me to push premium on my players when one whale could pay a week’s worth of premium payout in one day.


Does this still split if you have a group game with members on a percentage?


Yes. You can encourage the player to buy premium ingame, you can check the premium status of the user, and if they bought premium while in your game. Encouraging people playing your game to get premium is effectively encouraged here.

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Same, I was making a game pass GUI and when i was typing the code MarketplaceService:PrompGamepassPurchase()

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i more meant, if they have premium, we could give them like a boost or an item in game, so encouraging premium people to play that said game.

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Exactly, my game stats show 40,000+ plays per day and only 300 Robux due to premium plays. If they expect us to make $30,000 per year, 300 Robux per day is literally $383 a year.


This is an amazing update, and something I have missed since the old “Get 1 TIX per visit” feature was removed.

However, how does this work on groups? Does it count as sold products?


I would really like to see a signing bonus for the Premium Upsell Modal. In the current state of this update, I don’t really see any purpose for a Developer to use this feature or to lock their content behind Premium. If a player is going to buy Premium in your game, you should get the first month’s Robux value of that Premium as a bonus for selling them on that product.

Instead you get like 1 Robux for them playing and they are no longer as inclined to spending their money on your gamepasses…

But hey I’ll take my 500 extra Robux a month.


All games draw from the same pool of roblox so if a game gets twice as many visitors as another game it will also get (roughly) twice as much of a premium payout.
So yes, topgames proportionally get rewarded the most as they also get the most visits as they should be.
It is essentially a modern version of the old 1 tix/visit system.


Exactly how I feel. If there isn’t a bonus for signing up in game, I’d rather just sell a premium gamepass than trying to make premium users feel special – i’ll get more money and won’t separate my playerbase.