Introducing RESTLESS Demo

Hello fellow developers!

We are excited to announce the Devforum post of our new horror game, Restless . This game has been in development for the past 4 months by the Astromic team, and we can’t wait for players to finally experience the terror we’ve been working on.

Restless is a survival horror game inspired by popular titles such as Bendy and FNAF. It puts players in the shoes of a young protagonist who is trapped in a haunted hotel filled with frightening monsters. As they navigate the creaky halls and dimly lit rooms, they must unravel the mystery of what happened in the hotel while avoiding the terrifying monsters that haunt it.

One of the key features of Restless is its dynamic lighting system, which adds a level of unpredictability and fear as players never know when an monster will appear out of the shadows. The game also boasts realistic graphics and a pulse-pounding soundtrack to fully immerse players in the horror experience.

We are excited to announce that Restless will be available on PC, mobile, and Xbox. A video preview of the game will be released in 5 days, so be sure to check it out. We look forward to hearing your feedback once it’s released.

Thank you for your interest in Restless, and please give us some feedback !

Best regards,
Astromic Development Team


Why did you post this? There isn’t any content to give feedback on except 3 images…

Make a post once you’re able to provide us with more content to give feedback on, this post is meaningless

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I’m asking for feedback on it what do you mean?


No, you’re not. You’ve only explained what the game is and that you’ll release a video of it in 5 days. Nowhere in the post did you ask for feedback or link any meaningful content that we can review


Looks like a game that will skyrocket in the future. This time I’m not gonna get spoiled and I will try the game for myself, having no idea what could happen.

Amazing work btw.


This looks like a very well-made experience, 4 months does seem like a lot of time.
We need more sneak peaks!

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Theres really not much feedback to provide currently.
The screenshots look good though, and it has a nice, even if overused, concept.


The pictures look great, but it’s hard to give feedback without solid examples. Look forward to your video

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This post is probably a bit more like an advertisement than really asking for feedback if I’m being honest. While you could critique the scenes you have posted, it seems more like a showcase. As others have stated there isn’t much to work off of.

Realistically speaking, it would make more sense to post this when your video of your game is ready, that way it’s easier to give creative feedback.

Other than that, it’s pretty much just an advert, no offense though. The game looks good, I see the effort.

Also are the cabinets / closets supposed to intentionally look like the ones from DOORS? They look shockingly similar, so definitely spot on with the detail.

edit: looking closer, the details are actually a little bit different so not exactly the same. I suppose thats good because trying to be more original is always the best way to go, at least in my opinion.


Video will be public tomorrow and you will be able to test the game too


it looks amazing bro, just looks a tad bit too similar to doors in terms of interactive ui


Can you elaborate what exactly looks like the doors ui? I might change it off if I find something that looks similar to it

Not exactly compatible with layered clothing/scarves…

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Thanks for noticing that! I will be adding an update to remove big UGC items and layered clothing.

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Have fixed a lot of bugs recently

Dude, stop deleting my comment. You. Are. Using. Stolen. Assets. And I’m pretty sure you do know the developers don’t want those. (Also you can’t flag me as offtopic, he asked for “feedback”, definitely not an advertisement.)


I didn’t flag anyone’s post, please mention stolen assets I have used?

I suppose this is you right? (He deleted his comment now for some reason)


I hope you have been clarified and you can continue your fangame!


I’ve deleted my last reply to actually show whats REALLY similiar to DOORS. Also a quick note, by “the little noise at the back” I meant the “flashbang rise” kindof sound when you get hit, also I don’t think you can find something named “Bullet Fresh Two” by searching a damage noise? Anyways, the first “similiar” asset is OBVIOUSLY the UI + probably the scripts within the UI, the movements of the UI really feels like if its taken from DOORS, check the image I’ve attached to this message to see how similiar the UI is. Also I’ve noticed something, in most of your other games they use the same rooms from this game, and they include almost no scripts? The creation dates aren’t THAT far away from eachother and, I don’t think anyone can improve that quick, unless you hired some developers to do those (If someone else you hired made those UIs, I’m feeling bad for you :sad:) ? And also, most of the models look really similiar to models from DOORS. Perhaps, they are edited versions of the DOORS models? I’m not quite sure of any of these, but almost everything is too similiar to DOORS. Correct me if I’m wrong. (Don’t take this as a hate comment, this is, kind of a feedback? For you to improve your game and make it look more, original, I guess? I’m sorry if anything I wrote hurt you :frowning: And I hope you start doing original horror games soon!)

(Oh god I edited this WAY too much)

lol the reason why the position is similar is because its literally in the centre and im pretty sure its taken from this game i made like in late 2021 made before doors…

also this is not upcoming anymore i just wanted to try some testing with lighting as i’ve never tried out future before which is also why the other games might have some similar models as they are all demo tests

i’ve already scrapped everything from all the demo games and im pretty sure the game barely works as i deleted a bunch of models/scripts and im moving them to another project

Thank you man, never expected to get 10k visits in the first 3 days