Introducing Rights Manager

This is an idea that sounds good in theory, but knowing Roblox it will be an absolute disaster just like Youtube’s takedown requests. Enjoy getting bombarded by botted false requests and all other forms of troll takedowns


Amazing change which was very needed, Roblox always has been lacking of such useful and proper way of taking down leaked content especially. Previously the DMCA was mostly only for those who knew exactly about it. Hope it doesn’t get abused.


Oh this is neat, enhanced IP protection?

So does this mean that reporting stolen games/maps will also be easier and that we can actually expect them to get taken down?


this seems like a awesome feature but at the same time i can see this being abused.


Will this simply prevent an asset’s usage or will it result in a warning?


Would this be used to take down games that pretend to be a different game but teleport the player to something else? There are hundreds (possibly thousands) of bot-created games that have stolen my thumbnails, icon, title, and description to trick people into thinking its my game, but when you join the game its a baseplate or a robux scam. However, these games do not have stolen assets from within the game, only icon and thumbnails.

Edit: Most of these games teleport the player to a different game immediately upon entering. Some of them even teleport the player to the original game, which is weird because I am not affiliated with the creation of any of these botted games. My observation is that most of these are posted at the exact same time on the same day by hundreds of different accounts, some being created that day and some accounts being years old.


Amazing! Only thing I worry about is how this could be the end times of competing creators. Larger games could monopolize on this by taking down smaller creators/competitors, just like in real life.


This is a great step, but what about compensation for lost revenues? Perhaps a tax on the infringer’s earnings until they have paid their debt.


This should be a thing on launch. That said, this is nice to see.


Would be neat to be able to use this to report fake limited items :slight_smile:


Lit! Hope the games that are stealing every information off of a game to lead to scams or teleporting to a different non-related game will be taken down by this update.


It’s a great step in the right direction, but the for the whole community here to really get behind this, it would be nice to know if this same tool can be used against already popular games with some actual force. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The reason I ask is for fairness. If a large dev company with a popular (and money making game) is found to have infringed on the rights of someone/game/whatever, they won’t get a free pass. A lot of popular games on Roblox having little bits of stolen IP everywhere, will it be enforced against them with the same fairness as it would someone who created an experience that has almost no traffic or players?

If XYZ Popular Game has a model created by an unknown creator and said unknown creator files for take-down against that popular game and another game that no one has ever heard of, will both be equality treated if said creator wins the claim? You know the fairness issue will be a big deal of big vs. little experiences. :wink:


While this feature is nice, the only thing I feel I dont like is the ID-verification. If someone created something (being under 13 or over 13/without an ID), and another person recreated it without permission and the original owner wants it taken down, they wont be able to unless they have an ID.


That is genuinely insane. We need the ability to delete assets we uploaded in the past ASAP


Please let us delete our own uploaded content. I shouldn’t have to worry about a set of 50 Pokemon decals giving me a 7 day ban while I take a temporary leave of absence from the platform.

It’s been proven with this article and moderation in general that it can be done. It’s been asked for since at least 2019.


You can technically do this already by using a simple brick in Roblox Studio and having it overwrite any model that you’ve uploaded in the past.

I did the same thing with some Star Wars models that I had since they could potentially be copyrighted, so it’s a quick and easy way to get rid of them.

It’s a great solution for people who want to get rid of their old models, so hopefully this method can help other developers also.


Roblox, please stop ignoring requests to implement a way for people to delete/archive/take off the platform any assets, including classic clothing assets, they have previously uploaded.


This is an absolutely amazing update, and if utilized correctly, it will be an amazing tool to protect our rights. However, this begs the question of whether we can counterstrike if we believe we received a false takedown request


But this only works with models and animations. Not these types:

  • Classic clothing
  • “Image” assets (not Decals)
  • “Mesh” assets (not MeshParts)
  • 3D accessories and clothes
  • Bodies and heads

This update is amazing, however, there is one major drawback. Well, two. Obviously, people have mentioned that not having a dispute process at launch means this will quickly become a cesspool for bots and false claims, and there is nothing you can do to fight it (don’t we have enough of this on the platform???).

And the other major issue?


Oh. My. God. If Roblox puts one more thing behind the ID-Verify wall, I am going to vomit. They are singling out hundreds of thousands of users who fear identity theft issues (it’s scary how much somebody can do with your license, especially when given a selfie too!) and for no good reason! Every single feature they release now has this major blockade, and I am sick of it, as I know many others are as well.

Companies and websites claim every single day that their services are “safe” and we repeatedly see every single day that this is not at all the case. Why should a platform like Roblox require such a significant form of identification for insanely ludicrous reasons? For DevEx or transactions involving real money, I can see this. But for all these smaller stupid reasons? Ugh. Frustrating.