Introducing... soobsok!

Welcome soobsok!
I’m sure many people here would be interesting with that story, so go right ahead if you want :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the devforum! I hope you do some awesome things while you are here!

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I hope you enjoy your stay in this community. I am looking forward to your valuable contributions.

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Welcome to Roblox @soobsok! :happy3: :roblox: :roblox_light:

My original reply was taken down by another moderator for saying hi, sorry! I would like to deeply apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused by saying “hihihihihihihhi yayyy”. Anyways, welcome soobsok! You seem very cool.

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Welcome to our… Forest. People who the hell can do funny thing an funny forrest, each leaf of this community is different.

Welcome to the Developer Engagement Team, soobsok!