Introducing, =Special_Creations=

You know how sometimes, you need to make something but you’re too lazy,
or maybe just don’t have enough time to make them, well, I’ve got you covered!
Introducing, Project Special Creations!

What is Project Special Creations?
Well, basically we make free stuff, that will make your development much easier!
For instance, free GearShopGui, that is super easy to setup, no credits needed, and can be customized easily!

Why use this?
Now, you might be asking, but there’s a lot of free shop gui and stuff already, that you can find in the toolbox, what’s so special about this?
Well, Project Special Creations does not offer something super special in particular,
BUT, a lot of these free models in the toolbox are either broken, or have a back door,
and our products is works great, and do not have any back doors, you can check,

More things we offer
Now, we have prepared a plugin!
This is the =Speical_Creations='s Catalog!
With this plugin, you can get our products easily and quickly!
Just install the plugin, click the =Speical_Creations='s Catalog button,
and it opens up the catalog we made!
If you don’t trust this plugin, you don’t need to install it, (It’s just a matter of trust)

Our group!

Nothing too much to say, but please join!
We won’t do giveaways, but I will tell all of you if we publish a new product!

We currently don’t have much people to make a lot of products, but we will in the future,
Thank you very much for reading this, if you have a opinion, please tell me in the comments.