Introducing Subso

Hey there Robloxians,

I am Fluxtev, the current owner of an Upcoming Global Blacklist Service! We are providing Services where you can submit a user report, and our Team will review the report and decide if we should blacklist them or not!

Once we Blacklist users via our Services, they are unable to join any game using our services! The Blacklist reasons can vary from Exploiters. Depending on the Priority they are listed at within our scale.

If you wish to use our services, you can go to our ROBLOX Group and click our Discord Social Link! We would be happy to have groups using our Services.

If you need any assistance within our Services, feel free to email us at! We would be happy to hear from you! :smiley:

GROUP LINK: Subso - Roblox

Best Regards,
Fluxtev from Subso