Oh okay, thank you. Later on, I will create a support ticket so I can appeal. (Idk why I didn’t try that already)
Thats unfortunate, they shouldn’t be taking down every asset with require.
They should verify if its malicious before removing it.
I’m late to this, but any chance is this gonna be coming soon again? or is it discontinued?
I’m still trying to figure out solutions. I want to switch to packages but the creator marketplace won’t let me make my package public. Am I doing something wrong?
I’ve built a new loader without the use of Require(AssetID). I’m still working on figuring out the package issue but you can now get Supernova Admin with the package included. Updates will probably be more manual now so I’ll make sure to announce changes here.
Supernova_PackageLoader.rbxm (454.3 KB)
The loader is incorrectly given (I tried with my configured loader and the one you provided with no changes).
After taking a look, I’ve noticed that you placed supernova into ServerScriptService. Did you ungroup the loader by any chance? Doing so will break Supernova Admin. I’ve just tested the model I previously sent you and it does seem to work without any issues. The loader was designed to be placed into the workspace without being ungrouped. The model will remove itself automatically once the server starts.
I’ll send the original main module paired with the original loader and debug enabled just incase you can’t seem to figure out the previous model.
Supernova Admin Original.rbxm (455.4 KB)
Why is it in ServerScriptService? Could you please show me how you have it setup in the game?
I’m having difficulties replicating your issue.
This is how I’ve set mine up
and this is it functioning as it should
Can you send me a screenshot of the code inside of the settings module?
local Settings = {}
Settings.Users = {--Users and their ranks. Format: {Username,Rank};
Settings.Interface = {--User interactions and interface:
Call = "?";--What goes before a chat command.
MenuButtonType = "Button"; --What type of button will be used. Options may include "Button" (Default), "ShyTopbar" (My own Topbar system), "TopbarPlus" (By Forever HD), or "None."
ButtonImage = "rbxassetid://16693597967"; --What image will be used on the button. (Currently only works if mode is set to "Button.")
MininumButtonRank = 1; --Minimum rank required for the user to see the button.
Theme = "Default";
Settings.Miscellaneous = {
ToolStorageLocation = game:GetService("ServerStorage")--Where tools should be pulled from via the tool command.
Settings.Ranks = {--Ranks:
Title="Head Admin";
Settings.SystemCommandReconfiguration = {--Adjust the visibility, required rank, or condition of a built in command.
Settings.Datastores = {--Datastores and security:
DatastoreName = "Supernova_1";
SecurityKey = "CHANGE_THIS";
Settings.GroupRanking = {--Automatic ranking based on group rank:
GroupId=0;--Your group id
Ranking={ --Format: {GroupRank,AdminRank}
return Settings
I still can’t seem to understand the issue, try removing that model and replacing the model, then only change the name in the settings and leave it as it is in the workspace.
Fixed it; inside the MainScript (Settings.Supernova.MainScript); ‘SettingsModule’ is the package model and not the settings module itself, resulting in the function performing the code without any of the data it needed.

That’s wonderful. I’m not sure how that could have happened, but at least it’s working. Have fun messing around with Supernova! That model isn’t completed which is why I suggested using the original model I sent.
They definitely have increased the moderation on models because I have published a script with require() and it didn’t get deleted
The script got deleted on the 19th, I’ve had a similar thing happen a few months ago and I don’t think much has changed.
Supernova Admin is now available again! Download it from the GitHub repository!