Introducing Supernova Admin! A new, open-source, and customizable admin system

Green Circle with Controller 2
Supernova Admin

What is Supernova Admin?
Supernova is an administrative system created, designed, and programmed by me! I’ve been working on it since March 9th, 2024. My goal is to create an easily expandable administrative system while still being safe from tampering by other scripts.


The Main UI

How can I use it?
I plan to fully release Supernova in May of 2024. First, I need to finish some functionality and improve the UI. You will simply have to add the loader into your game, change the settings, and you’re set!


The loader

What are some things it can do?
In Supernova, you can create your own commands, create your own themes (probably not going to be finished soon), and more!


Example Plugin

Where can I get it and how can I contribute?
If you have any issues or suggestions, you can submit one via my GitHub repository!


can you add some screenshots or something so that we can see what it looks like


Sure, I forgot to add some earlier. They should be there now.

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The UI looks good, however the plugin system isn’t very clear. Looking at plugins, how would I get a targets character using the arguments?

Something like this I think. The main module has a semi-complicated function for finding players. I plan to add easier methods to work with these plugins. As of recently, I’ve been working on major UI improvements.

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(4/9/2024) What’s new in Supernova: Update 2?

  • UI Redesign
  • Utility bar & Program Menu (can be disabled)
  • Bans & Ban manager
  • Plugin Improvements
  • Shutdown Command
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(4/10/2024) What’s new in Supernova: Update 3?

  • Chat logs
  • Main menu UI changes
  • Bug fixes
  • Credits UI
  • Changelogs UI
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how many builtin commands available here? can you list it? since i’m on mobile and can’t test it yet. Thanks!

There are currently twenty-four commands available. I plan to add more soon!

You are clearly very based and 7pilled. I give you my most greatest respects. This is the best resource I’ve seen on Roblox.

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I based the design off of my actual computer. I actually use Windows 7.


This actually looks a LOT like Adonis Admin, ngl.

I think this is a fork of Adonis. The gui elements are the same.

This isn’t a fork of Adonis. If you want proof, check my GitHub repository.

I took a lot of inspiration from Adonis admin and probably shouldn’t have made the layout so similar but absolutely no code or ui elements have been taken from Adonis.

Ah right okay, it’s just because you have the “Get Loader” and “Get Source” buttons with the old studio icon like Adonis does. Also the repository is practically empty.

The GitHub repository is for complaints, suggestions, and some other things. I’ll probably end up changing the layout of the main menu to avoid confusion in the future.

This looks cool. Tho this does remind me of Adonis design

Nice to hear! I’ve been working on it every now and then but hope to make more progress in the future. I plan to have an update out sometimes that’ll hopefully fix a few issues and add more useful features.

Supernova Admin has been moderated. I think it’s because of the GitHub link included in the license and I’m not sure what to do about it.

I did try to appeal but it got rejected.

Nope, it’s because of the require().

Roblox’s modbot has started taking down models on the toolbox that have any form of require() in it. You should open a ticket in Roblox Support to get help w/it.