Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

Is there a way to detect if a player is using an alt account without having to ban them? If not I’d really appreciate a way to do so.


Hey, have you tried this on the engine side?

What HTTP error are you getting from it?

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Not sure if you’re aware, but GetBanHistoryAsync does not work in Studio, even on the Server.

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Also, a much larger issue is the fact that BanAsync and UnbanAsync (especially Unban) does not work in Studio, even on the Server, making it possible for a Developer to permanently ban themselves from their own game …

Please fix.

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You accidentally had /user-restrictions in the url variable twice. Here is the fixed version:

const url = `"user == 'user/355661302'"`

If you’d like you could use my opencloud wrapper instead:

Below is the function that wraps endpoint you are having issues with getting to work:

import { UserRestrictionsApi } from "openblox/cloud"

const { data: logs } = await UserRestrictionsApi.listRestrictionLogs({
  universeId: 5795192361,
  placeId: 18210254887,
  userId: 6193495014,
npm install openblox

Thanks for the questions! The filter is mostly the same as the in-game chat filter, but we’ve made sure that the filter will allow you to include additional information such as appeal or contact information as long as you meet Roblox’s Community Standards requirements.

For example, in your ban messages, you are allowed to reference brand names and platforms:

“Visit the Discord in my group/experience page”

“Message me on Twitter or X”

Mentions of personal information or direct links are not allowed in this message field. This includes posting a specific username or handle, or providing a direct link to a Discord server or X account.

For more info, check out our API usage guidelines page: Users and Players | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


The banning API should stop players from being able to change their like/dislike on the game. If a player is banned for exploiting, its unfair that they can then leave a dislike on the game when they broke the rules.


Is both the DisplayMessage & PrivateMessage filtered or just DisplayMessage? Cause I definitely seeing people storing tables in PrivateMessage as a string then converting it back to a table during runtime to store information and if it filters privatemessage that could cause some issues.


:no_mouth::no_mouth: Thanks for pointing that out :see_no_evil:!

Your package looks great as well, good job!

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FINALLY! Been waiting a while for this. OpenCloud accessibility definitely excites me the most. Looking forward to better detection and more in the future.

I was wondering that aswell, because what happen if one person gets banned and someone else get caught in the cross fire and get banned aswell? if they making it like just a lucky guess that person is a alt, and not on stand by.

Could there be an additional setting to this where it simply lets you know a user was banned and lets us handle it on our side? Im sure some developers would appreciate that small option. Not all players who get banned are immediately booted from a game after all.

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Please do not filter it automatically, leave that responsibility to the developer. See Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection - #107 by Daw588.

They would be considered normal accounts do not worry.


Not a lucky guess, the backend probably uses the account creation date and the browser cookies to decide whether or not that account is an alt.

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Can’t seem to unban myself using UnbanAsync hahaha, cool tho.

Huge risk of exploitation, a developer might mass-ban a certain group of people from playing the game for unfair reasons, and those players might want to signify that the game and it’s creator are bad through the voting system.

Many other cases may occur and this prevention may lead to unfair and bad cases.
Besides, let them. If a game is good, positive votes will always outdo the negative ones anyway, and with the previous Kick system it wasn’t a major problem either.

Are you trying to do it through the “Play”?

I did it via a script, command bar in studio, and the console all resulted in me still being banned lmao

I’m able to join studio but not live lol

Did you try starting a server through the “Run” option instead and running the UnbanAsync() through that?