They would be considered normal accounts do not worry.
Not a lucky guess, the backend probably uses the account creation date and the browser cookies to decide whether or not that account is an alt.
Huge risk of exploitation, a developer might mass-ban a certain group of people from playing the game for unfair reasons, and those players might want to signify that the game and it’s creator are bad through the voting system.
Many other cases may occur and this prevention may lead to unfair and bad cases.
Besides, let them. If a game is good, positive votes will always outdo the negative ones anyway, and with the previous Kick system it wasn’t a major problem either.
Are you trying to do it through the “Play”?
I did it via a script, command bar in studio, and the console all resulted in me still being banned lmao
I’m able to join studio but not live lol
Did you try starting a server through the “Run” option instead and running the UnbanAsync()
through that?
Try putting a script in ServerScriptService that unbans you with your user id, and then join the game on the client with another account (must be freshly made through incognito or something else) so that the server script can run.
I’m about to make a great tutorial out of this one! Thank you, Roblox!
lol it still says “service not live” in autocompletion and yet it works so like
i take this as a win
Yea, that worked thank you, that’s clearly not intended .
This is both a W, and an L update.
Because alts are a HUGE problem for many games on the front page, for example games that are full with exploiters like Arsenal.
Because I like trolling, and knowing the dumb cafe games they’re probably going to implement this and ban people using banapi.
thank you roblox, but is this api available right now?
I really do like what this is doing but I STRONGLY believe roblox needs to either give us a way to sandbox code via a script instance or by code, or give us a way to disable the api entirely. This inadvertently hinders the ability for some types of games to exist and can Greatly hurt a lot of smaller games.
This should not have been released without one or the other.
Yep just tested alt account detection used account switcher, same ip. and same device and no detection on the alt.
How did you get it to work? I can’t figure it out.
Use the OpenCloud API under user-restrictions
body (JSON):
"gameJoinRestriction": {
"active": false,
"displayReason": "message",
"excludeAltAccounts": false
-- active true means they are banned and active false means they are not banned
-- excludeAltAccounts if alt accs should be excluded from the ban false by default, make true if you only want to ban the acc and not alts
-- displayReason is the reason the user sees when kicked theres also other options check docs
use patch as the request and set ur apikey under the header x-api-key
make sure to create an apikey
im using the opencloud api as its easier to unban yourself
Can you send me the link for it? I can’t find it lol