Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

Why does the ban fail if the ban reason is filtered? This neuters automated ban systems such as honeypot remotes to bait exploiters, voting systems, etc. because now you need to have a fallback ban reason such as an empty string. I would prefer users see a partial ban reason or a fully censored ban reason, rather than have all of my automated bans fail because the filter is having a bad day.

Further, why not store the unfiltered ban reason and display it filtered after that? This is putting a lot of faith in the text filter being reliable.


Can the OpenCloud API be used by group API keys or is it only available for User keys at the moment?

Adding onto this, is the filter the same as the in-game chat filter? If not, is there a way to “test” the filter with our ban messages (ie. GetChatForUserAsync)?

Otherwise a great feature, and I look forward to it being available on Creator Hub.

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that’s just a bug, it happened to me like years ago too, it’s an authentication error or something, wasn’t it?

Hello! You can unban yourself by using the OpenCloud UpdateUserRestriction API and setting the to false!

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I’ve been waiting for this forever, thank you so much :pray: I’ve been dreading having to make a ban system again, and with this? I can stop worrying about that!

Furthermore, it’ll be nice knowing some alt-account detection is incorporated with it, too.


Hi! You can unban yourself by using the OpenCloud UpdateUserRestriction API and setting the to false!

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Obligatory “WOO! YEAAAH BABY!”


It would be nice if this was eventually extended to groups to then allow for the prevention of malicious users from causing chaos in any other games under the group. I am sure this is easily doable with the cloud features, but it would be more convenient if it were built-in. This feature would also probably integrate nicely with the incoming group updates as well.


this is going to be great! this will heavily effect future moderations for games

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Beautiful, now I can hopefully permanently block particular “users” that enter our places repeatedly with alts.

I’m trying to be careful with how I type here and trying to maintain a professional attitude but it’s hard when you have actual “users” that have nothing better to do coming right back in repeatedly with alts for the past 8+ years to just harass us more.

And yeah as you can probably hear it within this text, I’m pretty exhausted with it.

So hearing this is pretty nice for an update, please give us more utilities like this.


This feature is definitely really fruitful, I do have one nitpicky complaint, and it’s the: “Here’s a message from the creator:”

It just feels extremely out of place, kicking didn’t have it either, it also just feels “icky” to me, not sure exactly how to describe it. I feel like just a simple, “You have been banned from this experience with the following reason:” or something along those lines would be a lot more professional.


what took so long for this to be considered? this is WAY overdue


I love you, Roblox

Marry me

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This method will be protecting your experience from alt accounts to avoid the local ban.

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Is there a way to detect if a player is using an alt account without having to ban them? If not I’d really appreciate a way to do so.


Hey, have you tried this on the engine side?

What HTTP error are you getting from it?

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Not sure if you’re aware, but GetBanHistoryAsync does not work in Studio, even on the Server.

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Also, a much larger issue is the fact that BanAsync and UnbanAsync (especially Unban) does not work in Studio, even on the Server, making it possible for a Developer to permanently ban themselves from their own game …

Please fix.

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You accidentally had /user-restrictions in the url variable twice. Here is the fixed version:

const url = `"user == 'user/355661302'"`

If you’d like you could use my opencloud wrapper instead:

Below is the function that wraps endpoint you are having issues with getting to work:

import { UserRestrictionsApi } from "openblox/cloud"

const { data: logs } = await UserRestrictionsApi.listRestrictionLogs({
  universeId: 5795192361,
  placeId: 18210254887,
  userId: 6193495014,
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