Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

ive done some testing and the alt acc detection is not working for me

I think the idea behind this is to give developers context clues to determine if someone is indeed violating rules constantly. If I have a player that is accused of being malicious in game, and I am able to access historical data that indicates reports I am receiving are valid, this can be a very helpful tool.

I agree, it would be great if we could have another method to get the global ban history of a user and allow us to prematurely determine their risk factor or outright ban them before even trying to play. It would also be great to alert experience/game moderators of suspected players who have had a long history of repeated bans in a short time frame. PLEASE, make this into a reality, Roblox :innocent: :pray:

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thats pushing it I don’t think roblox would share that user info with any devs, not to mention this could be abused by people using alt accounts to ban.

Both of them as you would have to query the mongo and opencloud to iterate unbans like that.

Like if they are gonna leak the methods so people will be able to avoid them with ease :skull:

This is a great update!

I hope this can finally stop or slow botting and exploiters, keep making great updates!

Oh! I never knew mongodb had ratelimits might be if your using a atlas, just start transferring ur new bans to the BanAPI then export ur mongodb to json and loop through that json file and then ban via opencloud with respected api limits using x-ratelimit-remaining

For anyone wondering about Alt Detection part, it does work we tested it out on 120 + people rn

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yeah we have no problem with the transfer but we need to keep the mongo data as we still need to cross-game ban.

From my testing, it appears to either work (or not) or ban accounts that are just… not alts.

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yeah your keeping it ??? just export the data as it is as a json file then run it through a loop

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Now this is actually a giant W. Its about time that we see built in systems for banning players, rather then having to use data stores.

W update

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well not just that, it works in reverse.

you see, if someone goes on their alt and exploits on a game, now that alt can get banned AND they get screwed on their main as well

could potentially contribute to the elimination of exploiters off of roblox permanently (if every game implements this)


yeah its just the alt account detection isn’t working ive done some testing acc switching, same email, same ip, and same device and the alt wont get banned

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Probably works like byfron and gets hwid or mac address. Or if its really basic it just gets ip which would be even easier to circumvent

This has already been proven not the case if I recall correctly, but I’ve heard that the anti-alt does work from multiple people.

This is a really long overdue feature we desperately need for a decade. Kick API is very useful but it wasn’t enough to keep bad players out as we have to create our own datastore/database and other extra coding to actually ban players. Because of this, there are many admin scripts that are too bloated (namely HD Admin and Kohl’s) and other scripts that are just outdated and might not work at all (person299’s). BanManager was good as it is super lightweight (I still recommend them), though coding them yourself is generally better idea if you don’t want to use well known admin scripts because they can be exploited easily due to the open source codes. (You really don’t want to expose your admin codes to anyone, otherwise they can replicate and use them against you and your game)

Pleased to see this feature being out and will apply to my games to finally drop third party admin scripts!


this is what i’ve been waiting for!!! thank you, roblox!

This simply isn’t true, at least with higher-level admin systems like Adonis. Despite being open-source, Adonis is the most secure admin system I’ve ever used and it’s held that title for over 5 years. If and when Adonis implements this new ban api that is when I will continue using it.