Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

Is selling unbans allowed like jailbreak? :thinking:

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LONG overdue; glad to finally see this change being implemented after like well over a decade lol!

After getting banned, I immediately used the account switcher to switch to my other account then launched the experience. (Might be because it was already logged in before I switched to test the ban api)

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They said in the post that the API will be open to OpenCloud, so yes I think we will be able to ban someone with an http request.

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Bring it to group please! Reason why most group wall posts are locked because people keep rejoining when they are kicked

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Is this fully live live? I get HTTP 403 (Forbidden) on

local BanHistoryPages = Players:GetBanHistoryAsync(userId)
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I believe you are just able to set active to false if you want to unban someone using the API.
Documentation: UserRestriction | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


Finally. Safe to assume Roblox is now taking exploiting very seriously.


Is the subscription being cancelled without refund on our end or on the players?

If banned, the user will not get their money back and the developer will keep the profit.


If banned, the user will get their money back and the developer will not keep the money.

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Finally! Been waiting for a feature like this for a very long time!

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Based on my understanding, the API likely functions similarly to other AAA games (Fortnite, Valorant, Warzone, etc.). When an account is flagged, the system can detect if an alt account is using the same hardware ID as the banned account.


This would more than likely be the case. It’s on the user for breaking the games rules. They can’t get rewarded a refund for breaking rules. Users wouldn’t be refunded for game pass/dev product purchases, would be the exact same for subscriptions


With all respect can please explain it so i can understand it better im a disable person so i don’t understand api or apl im not sure with one it is but please explain it so people who are disable they can understand it in lamenting trun


Amazing! I cannot wait to implement this into my current and future projects.


Could the “alt account ban” be an optional parameter when instituting the ban? I think a general concern is mass banning any account tied to a computer, which isn’t ideal considering how frequently siblings may use the same system.

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thank youu, this will help with all of my current games


It already is… You can set ExcludeAltAccounts of BanConfig to true.

See Players | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


I’m a little concerned about roblox’s proprietary push with the alt detection api. I’d love to know how they “suspect alt accounts”, because if its just an ip address or hardware id match, that could be detrimental for multiple people playing on the same wifi or device. Please let us see more details about the detection system : D

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I don’t think Roblox can (or should) inform us how, specifically, they are detecting alternate accounts; they are likely using a similar, if not identical method themselves for platform moderation. If this is the case, any plausible benefits are clearly outweighed by the risks associated.

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Not too experienced in JavaScript here, but can anybody show me how I could use the Open Cloud API in JavaScript? For example, a Discord bot connects to our game via Open Cloud API. However, we use a package to handle Open Cloud API stuff. It’s an old package though, so is there a way to do this all manually in JavaScript?